
相比perf -g而言,profile功能化更加细分,可以根据需要选择追踪层面,例如-U(用户要调用流程) -K (内核态调用流程)


采用profile --help,我们可以看到如下介绍:

usage: profile [-h] [-p PID] [-U | -K] [-F FREQUENCY | -c COUNT] [-d] [-a]
[-f] [--stack-storage-size STACK_STORAGE_SIZE] [-C CPU]
[duration] Profile CPU stack traces at a timed interval positional arguments:
duration duration of trace, in seconds # profile的持续时间 optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PID, --pid PID profile this PID only # 只追踪该pid的调用流程
-U, --user-stacks-only                   # 查看用户态函数调用流程
show stacks from user space only (no kernel space
-K, --kernel-stacks-only                  # 只查看内核态调用流程
show stacks from kernel space only (no user space
-F FREQUENCY, --frequency FREQUENCY # profile追踪采样频率 例如: -F 99 表示按照99hz的频率进行采样,默认是采用的49hz
sample frequency, Hertz
-c COUNT, --count COUNT                   # 选择采样次数 -c 5表示在周期内采样5次,-c和-F两者不能同时使用
sample period, number of events
-d, --delimited insert delimiter between kernel/user stacks # 在内核和用户态之间插入分界符 “---”
-a, --annotations add _[k] annotations to kernel frames # 在显示的内核函数后面标记 '[k]'标识
-f, --folded output folded format, one line per stack (for flame #采用横向线上模式 xxx;xxx_1;xxxxx_2
--stack-storage-size STACK_STORAGE_SIZE                 # 设置调用栈的使用空间和默认支持空间大小
the number of unique stack traces that can be stored
and displayed (default )
-C CPU, --cpu CPU cpu number to run profile on           # 允许几个cpu运行profile程序      examples:
./profile # profile stack traces at Hertz until Ctrl-C
./profile -F # profile stack traces at Hertz
./profile -c # profile stack traces every in a million events
./profile # profile at Hertz for seconds only
./profile -f # output in folded format for flame graphs
./profile -p # only profile threads for PID
./profile -U # only show user space stacks (no kernel)
./profile -K # only show kernel space stacks (no user)


    1. profile -f



    2. profile -d  :用于将内核态和用户态函数通过"--"分割开来,如下图红色框框所示

      3.profile -F  :用于设置该工具采样频率


      4. profile -K -a :用于仅显示内核调用函数,并且在函数后面增加"_[K]"标识 (156标识进程id号)


      5. profile -c :在采样周期内对每一个线程xx个event进行采样



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