

template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
ForwardIterator lower_bound (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& val)
ForwardIterator it;
iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::difference_type count, step;
count = distance(first,last);
while (count>0)
it = first; step=count/2; advance (it,step);
if (*it<val) { // or: if (comp(*it,val)), for version (2)
else count=step;
return first;


template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
ForwardIterator upper_bound (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& val)
ForwardIterator it;
iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::difference_type count, step;
count = std::distance(first,last);
while (count>0)
it = first; step=count/2; std::advance (it,step);
if (!(val<*it)) // or: if (!comp(val,*it)), for version (2)
{ first=++it; count-=step+1; }
else count=step;
return first;

\ 看起来就是个二分,不过有点奇怪


\ lower_bound

\ "returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the range [first,last) which does not compare less than val."

\ 返回一个序列中第一个不小于val值的参数。注意该序列必须已经排序

\ upper_bound

\ "returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the range [first,last) which compares greater than val."

\ 返回一个序列中第一个严格大于val值的参数。注意该序列必须已经排序

\ "Unlike lower_bound, the value pointed by the iterator returned by this function cannot be equivalent to val, only greater."

\ 不想lower_bound,upper_bound只返回严格大于val的值


first, last

\ Forward iterators to the initial and final positions of a sorted (or properly partitioned) sequence. The range used is [first,last), which contains all the elements between first and last, including the element pointed by first but not the element pointed by last.

\ 在一个已经排序的序列中传入起始和结束的迭代器。程序的范围为\([first,last)\),也就是说包含第一个迭代器指向的值,但不包含最后一个迭代器指向的值。


\ Value of the lower bound to search for in the range.

\ lowerbound要在范围内找的那个数

\ For (1), T shall be a type supporting being compared with elements of the range [first,last) as the right-hand side operand of operator<.

\ val的类型必须能和序列中的元素用\(<\)比较


\ Binary function that accepts two arguments (the first of the type pointed by ForwardIterator, and the second, always val), and returns a value convertible to bool. The value returned indicates whether the first argument is considered to go before the second.

\ 返回值为bool的程序并且有两个参数(第一个值,第二个值)。返回第一个参数是否应该优先于第二个参数处理。其实就是判断小于

\ The function shall not modify any of its arguments.

\ 这个函数不能修改仍和他的传入参数。显而易见

\ This can either be a function pointer or a function object.

\ 珂以是一个函数的指针,也珂以是一个函数的实体


Performs approximately \(log_2(N)+1\)


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