How to Improve Code Quality?


Measuring quality helps you understand where you’re at. After you’ve measured, you can take steps to improve overall quality.

Here are four ways you can improve code quality.

1. Use a Coding Standard
Using a coding standard is one of the best ways to ensure high quality code.

A coding standard makes sure everyone uses the right style. It improves consistency and readability of the codebase. This is key for lower complexity and higher quality.

How to Do It
The best way to use a coding standard is to:

  • Train your developers
  • Help them to comply with it
  • You can do this by using a static code analyzer.

2. Analyze Code — Before Code Reviews

Quality should be a priority from the very start of development. There isn’t always the luxury of time as development progresses. That’s why it’s important to analyze code before code reviews begin. And it’s best to analyze code as soon as it’s written.

In DevOps, code analysis takes place during the create phase. Static analyzers can be run over code as soon as it’s written. This creates an automated feedback loop, so developers can improve code before it goes to the code review phase.

After all, the earlier you find errors, the faster, easier, and cheaper they are to resolve.

How to Do It
The best way to improve quality is by analyzing code automatically. By running a static analyzer over code early and often, you’ll make sure the code that gets to the code review phase is the highest quality possible. Plus, you can use static analyzers (such as Helix QAC) to monitor key quality metrics.

3. Follow Code Review Best Practices
Manual code reviews are still important for verifying the intent of the code. When code reviews are done well, they improve overall software quality.

How to Do It
The best way to do code reviews is to follow best practices and take advantage of automated tools.

4. Refactor Legacy Code (When Necessary)
One way to improve the quality of an existing codebase is through refactoring. Refactoring legacy code can help you clean up your codebase and lower its complexity.


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