参考:20 Netstat Commands for Linux Network Management


Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships


-a:Show both listening and non-listening (for TCP this means established connections) sockets

-at:列出Active Internet connections (servers and established)

-au:列出Active Internet connections (servers and established)

-ax:列出Unix domain sockets

-l:Show only listening sockets.

-lt:列出Active Internet connections (only servers)

-lu:列出Active Internet connections (only servers)

-lx:列出Unix domain sockets

-s:Display summary statistics for each protocol.

-p:Show the PID and name of the program to which each socket belongs.

-c #:This will cause netstat to print the selected information every # seconds continuously.

-r:Display the kernel routing tables

-I=iface , -i:Display a table of all network interfaces, or the specified iface.

-ie:similar to ifconfig


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