create table wf_message_weixinqun(dizhi VARCHAR2(200) not null, weixinnicheng VARCHAR2(6) not null,weixinhao VARCHAR2(32) not null,weixinid VARCHAR2(32) not null,xinming VARCHAR2(6) not null,shenfenzheng VARCHAR2(20),shoujihao VARCHAR2(16) not null,weixinqunmingcheng VARCHAR2(100) not null,caijiren VARCHAR2(32) not null,H010014 VARCHAR2(20) );

create index idx_wf_message_weixinqun_dizhi on idx_wf_message_weixinqun(dizhi);

create index idx_wf_message_weixinqun_3 on idx_wf_message_weixinqun(weixinid);

create index idx_wf_message_weixinqun_4 on idx_wf_message_weixinqun(xingming);

create index idx_wf_message_weixinqun_6 on idx_wf_message_weixinqun(shoujihao);

create index idx_wf_message_weixinqun_8 on idx_wf_message_weixinqun(caijiren);

alter table idx_wf_message_weixinqun add constranint pk_idx_wf_message_weixinqun unique (weixinnicheng,weixinhao,weixinqunmingcheng);


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