本文告诉大家如何在 C# 里面使用汇编代码


C#嵌入x86汇编——一个GPIO接口的实现 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云

C# inline-asm / 嵌入x86汇编 - 苏璃 - CSDN博客

通过这个方法在 dotnet core 获取 CPU 信息

internal ref struct CpuIdInfo
public uint Eax;
public uint Ebx;
public uint Ecx;
public uint Edx; public static void AppendAsString(StringBuilder builder,uint value)
var val = value; while (val != 0)
builder.Append((char) (val & 0xFF));
val >>= 8;
} } public string GetString()
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(16);
AppendAsString(ret,Ecx); return ret.ToString();
internal sealed class CpuIdAssemblyCode
: IDisposable
private delegate void CpuIDDelegate(int level, ref CpuIdInfo cpuId); private IntPtr _codePointer;
private uint _size;
private CpuIDDelegate _delegate; public CpuIdAssemblyCode()
byte[] codeBytes = (IntPtr.Size == 4) ? x86CodeBytes : x64CodeBytes; _size = (uint) codeBytes.Length;
_codePointer = NativeMethods.Kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
new UIntPtr(_size),
AllocationType.COMMIT | AllocationType.RESERVE,
); Marshal.Copy(codeBytes, 0, _codePointer, codeBytes.Length);
#if NET40
_delegate = (CpuIDDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(_codePointer, typeof(CpuIDDelegate));
_delegate = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<CpuIDDelegate>(_codePointer);
#endif } ~CpuIdAssemblyCode()
} public void Call(int level, ref CpuIdInfo cpuInfo)
_delegate(level, ref cpuInfo);
} public void Dispose()
} private void Dispose(bool disposing)
NativeMethods.Kernel32.VirtualFree(_codePointer, _size, 0x8000);
} // Basic ASM strategy --
// void x86CpuId(int level, byte* buffer)
// {
// eax = level
// cpuid
// buffer[0] = eax
// buffer[4] = ebx
// buffer[8] = ecx
// buffer[12] = edx
// } private readonly static byte[] x86CodeBytes =
0x55, // push ebp
0x8B, 0xEC, // mov ebp,esp
0x53, // push ebx
0x57, // push edi 0x8B, 0x45, 0x08, // mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+8] (move level into eax)
0x0F, 0xA2, // cpuid 0x8B, 0x7D, 0x0C, // mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+12] (move address of buffer into edi)
0x89, 0x07, // mov dword ptr [edi+0], eax (write eax, ... to buffer)
0x89, 0x5F, 0x04, // mov dword ptr [edi+4], ebx
0x89, 0x4F, 0x08, // mov dword ptr [edi+8], ecx
0x89, 0x57, 0x0C, // mov dword ptr [edi+12],edx 0x5F, // pop edi
0x5B, // pop ebx
0x8B, 0xE5, // mov esp,ebp
0x5D, // pop ebp
0xc3 // ret
}; private readonly static byte[] x64CodeBytes =
0x53, // push rbx this gets clobbered by cpuid // rcx is level
// rdx is buffer.
// Need to save buffer elsewhere, cpuid overwrites rdx
// Put buffer in r8, use r8 to reference buffer later. // Save rdx (buffer addy) to r8
0x49, 0x89, 0xd0, // mov r8, rdx // Move ecx (level) to eax to call cpuid, call cpuid
0x89, 0xc8, // mov eax, ecx
0x0F, 0xA2, // cpuid // Write eax et al to buffer
0x41, 0x89, 0x40, 0x00, // mov dword ptr [r8+0], eax
0x41, 0x89, 0x58, 0x04, // mov dword ptr [r8+4], ebx
0x41, 0x89, 0x48, 0x08, // mov dword ptr [r8+8], ecx
0x41, 0x89, 0x50, 0x0c, // mov dword ptr [r8+12], edx 0x5b, // pop rbx
0xc3 // ret
}; }


var asmCode = new CpuIdAssemblyCode();
CpuIdInfo info = new CpuIdInfo();
asmCode.Call(0, ref info);
string ret= info.GetString();

c# - How can I get CPU name in .NET Core? - Stack Overflow

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