Now we are making a solution that has to get the package reference. But the version of package reference is a range and the default version parser need input a version but not a version range.

This post will tell you how to parse the version range string to reference version.

The format for reference version is like this


For parse the reference version string, we should make some property.

public class ReferenceVersion
public ReferenceVersion(Version version)
Version = version;
MinVersion = version;
MaxVersion = version;
IsIncludeMaxVersion = true;
IsIncludeMinVersion = true;
} public ReferenceVersion(Version minVersion, Version maxVersion, bool isIncludeMinVersion,
bool isIncludeMaxVersion)
Version = null;
MinVersion = minVersion;
MaxVersion = maxVersion;
IsIncludeMinVersion = isIncludeMinVersion;
IsIncludeMaxVersion = isIncludeMaxVersion;
} public Version Version { get; } public Version MinVersion { get; } public Version MaxVersion { get; } public bool IsIncludeMinVersion { get; } public bool IsIncludeMaxVersion { get; }

I will use regex to get the string and parse the string to version.

      public static ReferenceVersion Parser(string str)
if (_regex == null)
_regex = new Regex(@"([(|\[])([\d|.]*),([\d|.]*)([)|\]])", RegexOptions.Compiled);
} var res = _regex.Match(str); if (res.Success)
var isIncludeMinVersion = res.Groups[1].Value;
var minVersion = res.Groups[2].Value;
var maxVersion = res.Groups[3].Value;
var isIncludeMaxVersion = res.Groups[4].Value; return new ReferenceVersion
string.IsNullOrEmpty(minVersion) ? null : Version.Parse(minVersion),
string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxVersion) ? null : Version.Parse(maxVersion),
} return new ReferenceVersion(Version.Parse(str));
} private static Regex _regex;

We can get the reference version in the solution file and know the solution reference package.

Full code:

    /// <summary>
/// 引用的版本
/// 用来转换 [,3.0)、 (,2.0]、 5.2 的版本
/// </summary>
public class ReferenceVersion
/// <summary>
/// 创建引用版本
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">版本</param>
public ReferenceVersion(Version version)
Version = version;
MinVersion = version;
MaxVersion = version;
IsIncludeMaxVersion = true;
IsIncludeMinVersion = true;
} /// <summary>
/// 创建引用版本
/// </summary>
/// <param name="minVersion">最低版本</param>
/// <param name="maxVersion">最高版本</param>
/// <param name="isIncludeMinVersion">是否包括最低版本</param>
/// <param name="isIncludeMaxVersion">是否包括最高版本</param>
public ReferenceVersion(Version minVersion, Version maxVersion, bool isIncludeMinVersion,
bool isIncludeMaxVersion)
Version = null;
MinVersion = minVersion;
MaxVersion = maxVersion;
IsIncludeMinVersion = isIncludeMinVersion;
IsIncludeMaxVersion = isIncludeMaxVersion;
} /// <summary>
/// 版本
/// </summary>
public Version Version { get; } /// <summary>
/// 最低版本
/// </summary>
public Version MinVersion { get; } /// <summary>
/// 最高版本
/// </summary>
public Version MaxVersion { get; } /// <summary>
/// 是否包括最低版本
/// </summary>
public bool IsIncludeMinVersion { get; } /// <summary>
/// 是否包括最高版本
/// </summary>
public bool IsIncludeMaxVersion { get; } /// <summary>
/// 转换版本
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ReferenceVersion Parser(string str)
if (_regex == null)
_regex = new Regex(@"([(|\[])([\d|.]*),([\d|.]*)([)|\]])", RegexOptions.Compiled);
} var res = _regex.Match(str); if (res.Success)
var isIncludeMinVersion = res.Groups[1].Value;
var minVersion = res.Groups[2].Value;
var maxVersion = res.Groups[3].Value;
var isIncludeMaxVersion = res.Groups[4].Value; return new ReferenceVersion
string.IsNullOrEmpty(minVersion) ? null : Version.Parse(minVersion),
string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxVersion) ? null : Version.Parse(maxVersion),
} return new ReferenceVersion(Version.Parse(str));
} private static Regex _regex;

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