China LED Holiday Light Factory & Ninghai County Haohua Electronic Appliance Co., Ltd. pointed out: Festival lights can literally and emotionally illuminate the entire season, but there is also a potential risk of fire and electric shock danger. Before installing holiday lighting, please spend extra time on security checks to protect people and property.

Reduce the risk of fire and electric shock from festival lights by performing the following recommended steps:

Use indoor and outdoor lighting that complies with safety standards and has been tested for safety by a recognized testing laboratory.

Use only lights with a plug that contains a fuse.

Inspect each set of old and new lights for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or exposed wires, or loose connections. Throw away the damaged sleeve. Always replace a burned out light with a light of the same wattage.

Make sure the extension cord is fit for its intended use.

Senior electric light on a metal tree. Trees may be fully charged from fault lights, and people touching the branches may be killed by electricity.

Before using lighting outdoors, check the labels to make sure they are certified outdoors.
away from power lines or feeders that are routed from power poles.

outdoor lighting to trees, house walls or other solid supports to protect them
from wind damage. Use only insulated staples (no nails or tacks) to hold the
strings in place. Alternatively, pass the light string through a hook (available
in hardware stores).

off all holiday lights when you go to bed or leave the house.

caution when removing outdoor holiday lights. Do not pull or pull on the
so can put stress on the connection and cause a fire.

outdoor lights and decorations into circuits protected by a ground fault
interrupter (GFCI) to prevent electric shock. Portable outdoor GFCI can be
purchased where power is sold. GFCI can also be permanently installed on
domestic circuits by qualified electricians.

US Department of Energy recommends switching to LED lights to reduce heat and
the risk of burning or burning your fingers. In addition to being stronger and
more resistant to breakage, LED holiday lights have a longer life and consume
70% less energy than traditional incandescent filaments. Lighting a 6-foot tree
for 40 days with LEDs costs $ 0.27 per day, compared to $ 10 for incandescent

safety rules for seasonal and decorative lighting came into effect in June,
allowing CPSC to remove hazardous seasonal and decorative lighting from the
market faster and more efficiently. If the light does
not meet safety standards, the agent can ask the manufacturer to recall the
light and
can prevent the import of unsafe lights.

checking a newly purchased light,
please check:

that appear frayed, damaged, or insufficient to carry current, according to the
manufacturer's instructions
strand lights that do not remain intact and functional when stretched or that
are pulled out of the plug cannot be turned off to prevent excessive current
(such as using fuses or ground-fault circuit breakers)

Haohua Company is a professional China manufacturer & supplier of   LED Holiday Light  
. Learn about LED holiday lights product information and related
information, welcome to visit and purchase:


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