




DeepMind提出调度辅助控制(Scheduled Auxiliary Control,SACX),这是强化学习(RL)上下文中一种新型的学习范式。SAC-X能够在存在多个稀疏奖励信号的情况下,从头开始(from scratch)学习复杂行为。为此,智能体配备了一套通用的辅助任务,它试图通过off-policy强化学习同时从中进行学习。


In this paper, we introduce a new method dubbed Scheduled Auxiliary Control (SAC-X), as a first step towards such an approach. It is based on four main principles:
    1. Every state-action pair is paired with a vector of rewards, consisting of ( typically sparse ) externally provided rewards and (typically sparse) internal auxiliary rewards.
     2. Each reward entry has an assigned policy, called intention in the following, which is trained to maximize its corresponding cumulative reward.
     3. There is a high-level scheduler which selects and executes the individual intentions with the goal of improving performance of the agent on the external tasks.
     4. Learning is performed off-policy ( and asynchronouslyfrom policy execution ) and the experience between intentions is shared – to use information effectively. Although the approach proposed in this paper is generally applicable to a wider range of problems, we discuss our method in the light of a typical robotics manipulation applica tion with sparse rewards: stacking various objects and cleaning a table。

论文:Learning by Playing – Solving Sparse Reward Tasks from Scratch


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