在项目中对程序性能优化时,发现用SetProcessWorkingSetSize() 方法使内存降低了很多,于是查阅了相关的资料如下:


其实,你也可以,试试看把一个程序最小化到任务栏,再看看任务管理器。看到没,你的程序占用的实际内存一下子减少了,看来并不是我有什么方法能够压缩内存,而是操作系统本身就有这个机制,即当程序不使用时(最小化),操作系统会调用某些命令,来将该程序占用的内存移 至虚拟内存,只保留一小部分常规代码。所以我们就看到了 这种情景,占用的内存一下子就缩小了。



BOOL SetProcessWorkingSetSize(
HANDLE hProcess,
SIZE_T dwMinimumWorkingSetSize,
SIZE_T dwMaximumWorkingSetSize

将 2个 SIZE_T 参数设置为 -1 ,即可以使进程使用的内存交换到虚拟内存,只保留一小部分代码。


Using the SetProcessWorkingSetSize function to set an application's minimum and maximum working set sizes does not guarantee that the requested memory will be reserved, or that it will remain resident at all times. When the application is idle, or a low-memory situation causes a demand for memory, the operating system can reduce the application's working set. An application can use the VirtualLock function to lock ranges of the application's virtual address space in memory; however, that can potentially degrade the performance of the system.

使用这个函数来设置应用程序最小和最大的运行空间,只会保留需要的内存。当应用程序被闲置或系统内存太低时,操作系统会自动调用这个机制来设置应用程序的内存。应用程序也可以使用 VirtualLock 来锁住一定范围的内存不被系统释放。

When you increase the working set size of an application, you are taking away physical memory from the rest of the system. This can degrade the performance of other applications and the system as a whole. It can also lead to failures of operations that require physical memory to be present; for example, creating processes, threads, and kernel pool. Thus, you must use the SetProcessWorkingSetSize function carefully. You must always consider the performance of the whole system when you are designing an application.

当你加大运行空间给应用程序,你能够得到的物理内存取决于系统,这会造成其他应用程序降低性能或系统总体降低性能,这也可能导致请求物理内存的操作失败,例如:建立 进程,线程,内核池,就必须小心的使用该函数。



因为他只是暂时的将应用程序占用的内存移至虚拟内存,一旦,应用程序被激活或者有操作请求时,这些内存又会被重新占用。如果你强制使用该方法来 设置程序占用的内存,那么可能在一定程度上反而会降低系统性能,因为系统需要频繁的进行内存和硬盘间的页面交换。



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