It’s time to live up to D3’s true name and potential by integrating some real data into your visualization. This lesson introduces the fundamental concepts of enter, update, and exit selections, topics essential for being successful with D3.

var scores = [
{ name: 'Alice', score: 96 },
{ name: 'Billy', score: 83 },
{ name: 'Cindy', score: 91 },
{ name: 'David', score: 96 },
{ name: 'Emily', score: 88 }
]; // There are three selection:
// enter: which in the data, but not yet on the page
// upate: which in the data, and also in the page
// exit: which not in the data, but exist on the page // update function handle those elements which already on the page
var update ='.chart')
.data(scores, function(d) {
// A compare function which checks whether there are existing elements
return d ? : this.innerText;
.style('color', 'blue'); var enter = update.enter()
.text(function(d) {
.style('color', 'green'); update.exit()
.style('width', '1px')
.style('height', '50px')
.style('background', 'white')
.style('border', '1px solid black'); // You can merge selection by using .merge() function
.style('width', d => d.score + 'px')
.style('height', '50px')
.style('background', 'lightgreen')
.style('border', '1px solid black');


  1. SQL行转列+动态拼接SQL
  2. 移动web初体验
  3. 【bug】“Mat map” opencv全局变量不明确
  4. Hadoop MRUnit使用(一)
  5. 三星电视删除USB播放记录
  6. QTcpsocket 实现FTP
  7. TPCC-UVA测试环境搭建与结果分析
  8. Eclipse:The selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches
  9. Access中的自定义排序设置方式
  10. 【小白成长撸】--多项式求圆周率PI
  11. 【原创】大数据基础之Zookeeper(2)源代码解析
  12. 第十二章 Java内存模型与线程
  13. Think twice before starting the adventure
  14. Git系列①之仓库管理互联网托管平台github.com的使用
  15. mybatis的批量删除操作
  16. rabbitmq用户授权
  17. 对 data属性的使用之一
  18. 建议使用nginx配合uwsgi,
  19. JAVA测试编程
  20. django views视图


  1. VS书签的应用
  2. php中array_merge函数
  3. 7.Web Service 调用天气代码
  4. Cloudera Hue是什么?
  5. 网上看到的一些IT资源
  6. vue脚手架3.0的搭建
  7. userdel---删除用户及相关文件
  8. ActiveMQ学习总结(2)——ActiveMQ入门实例教程
  9. iOS 创建静态库文件时去掉当中的Symbols
  10. DataGridView控件绑定数据源