



* Try to return the absolute file path from the given Uri
* @param context
* @param uri
* @return the file path or null
public static String getRealFilePath( final Context context, final Uri uri ) {
if ( null == uri ) return null;
final String scheme = uri.getScheme();
String data = null;
if ( scheme == null )
data = uri.getPath();
else if ( ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE.equals( scheme ) ) {
data = uri.getPath();
} else if ( ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT.equals( scheme ) ) {
Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( uri, new String[] { ImageColumns.DATA }, null, null, null );
if ( null != cursor ) {
if ( cursor.moveToFirst() ) {
int index = cursor.getColumnIndex( ImageColumns.DATA );
if ( index > - ) {
data = cursor.getString( index );
return data;


    String type = Utils.ensureNotNull(intent.getType());
Log.d(TAG, "uri is " + uri);
if (uri.getScheme().equals("file") && (type.contains("image/"))) {
String path = uri.getEncodedPath();
Log.d(TAG, "path1 is " + path);
if (path != null) {
path = Uri.decode(path);
Log.d(TAG, "path2 is " + path);
ContentResolver cr = this.getContentResolver();
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
.append("'" + path + "'")
Cursor cur = cr.query(
new String[] { Images.ImageColumns._ID },
buff.toString(), null, null);
int index = ;
for (cur.moveToFirst(); !cur.isAfterLast(); cur
.moveToNext()) {
index = cur.getColumnIndex(Images.ImageColumns._ID);
// set _id value
index = cur.getInt(index);
if (index == ) {
//do nothing
} else {
Uri uri_temp = Uri
+ index);
Log.d(TAG, "uri_temp is " + uri_temp);
if (uri_temp != null) {
uri = uri_temp;


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