英语影视台词---六、Saving Private Ryan Quotes



Saving Private Ryan is a 1998 American epic war film directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Robert Rodat. Set during the Invasion of Normandy in World War II, the film is notable for its graphic portrayal of war, and for the intensity of its opening 27 minutes, which includes a depiction of the Omaha Beach assault during the Normandy landings. It follows United States Army Rangers Captain John H. Miller (Tom Hanks) and a squad (Tom SizemoreEdward BurnsBarry PepperGiovanni RibisiVin DieselAdam Goldberg, and Jeremy Davies) as they search for a paratrooperPrivate First Class James Francis Ryan (Matt Damon), who is the last-surviving brother of four servicemen.

拯救大兵瑞恩是1998年由史蒂文斯皮尔伯格执导并由罗伯特罗达特编写的美国史诗战争电影。这部电影以第二次世界大战中的诺曼底入侵为特色,以其对战争的图形描绘而着称,其开放时间为27分钟,其中包括对诺曼底登陆期间奥马哈海滩袭击的描绘。它跟随美国陆军游骑兵队长John H. Miller(汤姆汉克斯)和一队(Tom Sizemore,Edward Burns,Barry Pepper,Giovanni Ribisi,Vin Diesel,Adam Goldberg和Jeremy Davies)寻找一名伞兵,Private First James Francis Ryan(Matt Damon),是四名军人中最后幸存的兄弟。

1、Captain Miller: [weakly mutters something]?

Private Ryan: [leans in closer] What, sir?

Captain Miller: James, earn this... earn it.




2、Captain Miller: James Francis Ryan of Iowa??

Private Ryan: Yes, sir. Paton, Iowa, that's correct. What is this about?

Captain Miller: Your brothers were killed in combat.

Private Ryan: Which - Which ones?

Captain Miller: All of them.

[Ryan pauses in shock and then begins to cry]




私人瑞安:哪个 - 哪个?



3、[Being told he can go home]?

Private Ryan: Hell, these guys deserve to go home as much as I do. They've fought just as hard.

Captain Miller: Is that what I'm supposed to tell your mother when she gets another folded American flag?

Private Ryan: You can tell her that when you found me, I was with the only brothers I had left. And that there was no way I was deserting them. I think she'd understand that.


私人瑞恩:天哪,这些家伙应该像我一样回家。 他们的斗争同样艰难。


私人瑞安:你可以告诉她,当你找到我时,我和我离开的唯一兄弟在一起。 而且我无法抛弃他们。 我想她明白了。

4、Parker: [firing machine gun] I'm out of .30 Caliber!?

Private Jackson: [lining shots] Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

[Fires rifle twice]

Private Jackson: My goodness and my fortress... my high tower and my Deliverer.

[Fires rifle]

Private Jackson: My shield, and he in whom I trust.

[Fires rifle, then to his rifle]

Private Jackson: Here you go baby.

[Fires rifle few more times. Notices a tank has spotted them]

Private Jackson: Parker, get down!









[消防步枪几次。 通知坦克发现了他们]


5、Captain Miller: You want to leave? You want to go off and fight the war? All right. All right. I won't stop you. I'll even put in the paperwork. I just know that every man I kill the farther away from home I feel.?

Captain Miller: I'm a schoolteacher. I teach English composition... in this little town called Adley, Pennsylvania. The last eleven years, I've been at Thomas Alva Edison High School. I was a coach of the baseball team in the springtime. Back home, I tell people what I do for a living and they think well, now that figures. But over here, it's a big, a big mystery. So, I guess I've changed some. Sometimes I wonder if I've changed so much my wife is even going to recognize me, whenever it is that I get back to her. And how I'll ever be able to tell her about days like today. Ah, Ryan. I don't know anything about Ryan. I don't care. The man means nothing to me. It's just a name. But if... You know if going to Rumelle and finding him so that he can go home. If that earns me the right to get back to my wife, then that's my mission.

[to Private Reiben]

Captain Miller: You want to leave? You want to go off and fight the war? All right. All right. I won't stop you. I'll even put in the paperwork. I just know that every man I kill the farther away from home I feel.




6、Gen. George C. Marshall: My dear Mrs Ryan: It's with the most profound sense of joy that I write to inform you your son,?

Gen. George C. Marshall: My dear Mrs Ryan: It's with the most profound sense of joy that I write to inform you your son, Private James Ryan, is well and, at this very moment, on his way home from European battlefields. Reports from the front indicate James did his duty in combat with great courage and steadfast dedication, even after he was informed of the tragic loss your family has suffered in this great campaign to rid the world of tyranny and oppresion. I take great pleasure in joining the Secretary of War, the men and women of the U.S. Army, and the citizens of a grateful nation in wishing you good health and many years of happiness with James at your side. Nothing, not even the safe return of a beloved son, can compensate you, or the thousands of other American families, who have suffered great loss in this tragic war. I might share with you some words which have sustained me through long, dark nights of peril, loss, and heartache. And I quote: "I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the alter of freedom." -Abraham Lincoln. Yours very sincerely and respectfully, George C. Marshall, General, Chief of Staff.

乔治·马歇尔将军:我亲爱的瑞安太太:我写下最深刻的快乐感,告诉你你的儿子,私人詹姆斯瑞恩,在这个时刻,在从欧洲战场回家的路上很好。前线的报道表明詹姆斯在战斗中以极大的勇气和坚定的奉献精神履行了自己的职责,即使在他被告知你的家人在这场旨在使世界摆脱暴政和暴击的伟大运动中遭受的悲惨损失之后。我非常高兴加入战争部长,美国陆军的男女军人,以及一个感恩国家的公民,祝愿詹姆斯身边的健康和多年幸福。没有任何事情,甚至是一个心爱的儿子的安全回归,都无法弥补你,或者在这场悲惨的战争中遭受巨大损失的数千个其他美国家庭。我可能会与你分享一些让我度过漫长而黑夜的危险,失落和心痛的话语。我引述道:“我祈祷我们的天父可以平息你丧亲之痛的痛苦,只留下你所爱的和失落的珍贵记忆,以及你必须牺牲的庄严骄傲才能在自由。“ -亚伯拉罕·林肯。非常真诚和尊重,乔治·马歇尔,总参谋长。

7、Private Jackson: Sir... I have an opinion on this matter.?

Private Jackson: Sir... I have an opinion on this matter.

Captain Miller: Well, by all means, share it with the squad.

Private Jackson: Well, from my way of thinking, sir, this entire mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources.

Captain Miller: Yeah. Go on.

Private Jackson: Well, it seems to me, sir, that God gave me a special gift, made me a fine instrument of warfare.

Captain Miller: Reiben, pay attention. Now, this is the way to gripe. Continue, Jackson.

Private Jackson: Well, what I mean by that, sir, is... if you was to put me and this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight, sir... pack your bags, fellas, war's over. Amen.




米勒船长:是的。 继续。


米勒船长:Reiben,注意。 现在,这是抱怨的方式。 继续,杰克逊。

私人杰克逊:嗯,我的意思是,先生,是......如果你要把我和这里的狙击步枪放在任何地方,包括一英里的阿道夫希特勒,视线清晰,先生......包装 你的包,伙计,战争结束了。阿门。

8、Private Reiben: Oh, that's brilliant, bumpkin. Hey, so, Captain, what about you? I mean, you don't gripe at all??

Private Reiben: Oh, that's brilliant, bumpkin. Hey, so, Captain, what about you? I mean, you don't gripe at all?

Captain Miller: I don't gripe to *you*, Reiben. I'm a captain. There's a chain of command. Gripes go up, not down. Always up. You gripe to me, I gripe to my superior officer, so on, so on, and so on. I don't gripe to you. I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that as a Ranger.

Private Reiben: I'm sorry, sir, but uh... let's say you weren't a captain, or maybe I was a major. What would you say then?

Captain Miller: Well, in that case... I'd say, "This is an excellent mission, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir, worthy of my best efforts, sir. Moreover... I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private James Ryan and am willing to lay down my life and the lives of my men - especially you, Reiben - to ease her suffering."

Mellish: [chuckles] He's good.

Private Caparzo: I love him.

[they make mocking kissy-faces at each other]

私人Reiben:哦,那很棒,凹凸不平。 嘿,所以,船长,你呢? 我的意思是,你根本不抱怨?

米勒上尉:我不抱怨你*,Reiben。 我是队长。 有一连串的命令。 Gripes上升,而不是下降。 永远。 你抱怨我,我抱怨我的高级官员,等等,等等。 我不抱怨你。 我不抱在你面前。 你应该知道这是一个游侠。

私人Reiben:对不起,先生,但是呃......让我们说你不是队长,或者我可能是一名少校。 你会说什么呢?

米勒上尉:嗯,在那种情况下...我会说,“这是一个很好的使命,先生,有一个非常有价值的目标,先生,值得我尽我最大的努力,先生。此外......我感到由衷的悲伤 私人詹姆斯瑞安的母亲,我愿意放下我的生命和我的人的生命 - 特别是你,赖宾 - 来减轻她的痛苦。“




9、Old James Ryan: [Last lines, addressing Capt. Miller's grave] My family is with me today. They wanted to come with me.?

Old James Ryan: [Last lines, addressing Capt. Miller's grave] My family is with me today. They wanted to come with me. To be honest with you, I wasn't sure how I'd feel coming back here. Every day I think about what you said to me that day on the bridge. I tried to live my life the best that I could. I hope that was enough. I hope that, at least in your eyes, I've earned what all of you have done for me.

Ryan's Wife: James?...

[looking at headstone]

Ryan's Wife: Captain John H Miller.

Old James Ryan: Tell me I have led a good life.

Ryan's Wife: What?

Old James Ryan: Tell me I'm a good man.

Ryan's Wife: You *are*.

[Walks away]

Old James Ryan: [Stands back and salutes]

老詹姆斯瑞安:[最后一句话,对米勒上尉的坟墓说法]我的家人今天和我在一起。 他们想和我一起去。 说实话,我不确定我是怎么回到这里的。 每天我都会想起你那天在桥上对我说的话。 我努力过最好的生活。 我希望这就够了。 我希望,至少在你眼里,我已经赢得了你们所有人为我所做的一切。










10、Sergeant Horvath: I don't know. Part of me thinks the kid's right. ?

Sergeant Horvath: I don't know. Part of me thinks the kid's right. He asks what he's done to deserve this. He wants to stay here, fine. Let's leave him and go home. But then another part of me thinks, what if by some miracle we stay, then actually make it out of here. Someday we might look back on this and decide that saving Private Ryan was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole godawful, shitty mess. Like you said, Captain, maybe we do that, we all earn the right to go home.

Horvath中士:我不知道。 我的一部分认为孩子是对的。 他问他做了什么值得这样做。 他想住在这里,很好。 我们离开他回家吧。 但是,我的另一部分认为,如果我们留下一些奇迹,那么实际上就是从这里开始。 总有一天,我们可能会回顾这一点,并决定拯救私人瑞恩是我们能够摆脱这整个神圣,糟糕的混乱的一个体面的事情。 就像你说的那样,船长,也许我们这样做,我们都有权回家。




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