Assuming Vigor2960 has two LAN networks. Network Administrator wants that, when the internal DHCP is connected to LAN1, use internal DHCP server instead of Vigor2960 to assign IP to LAN2 clients.

The problem is, DHCP packet cannot pass between LAN1 and LAN2 because the two lan networks are separated. However, the examples below will show you how to use DHCP Relay feature to achieve this purpose.

  1. Go to LAN >>LAN General Setup, make sure there are two LAN networks on Vigor2960.

  1. Disable DHCP server on lan2: Edit lan2 profile, select “Disable” for DHCP Server.

  1. Configure DHCP Relay profile for lan2: Go to LAN >> General Setup >>DHCP Relay, then click Edit.

    1. Check Enable to enable lan2 DHCP Relay Profile.

    2. Select lan1 for DHCP Server Location.

    3. Input DHCP Server IP as 192.168.194.x (It should be the IP in lan1 network)

    4. Leave DHCP Relay Agent IP empty.

      Note: By default, DHCP Relay Agent IP would be the IP of this DHCP Relay profile. In this example, it will be the IP of lan2, which is

  1. Connect DHCP Client to lan2 and use command “ipconfig” to check if it can obtain an IP 192.168.195.x from the internal DHCP server in lan1.


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