#include "CCControl.h"



* @addtogroup GUI

* @{

* @addtogroup control_extension

* @{


/** @class CCControlPotentiometer Potentiometer control for Cocos2D. */

class CCControlPotentiometer : public CCControl




virtual ~CCControlPotentiometer();


* Creates potentiometer with a track filename and a progress filename.


static CCControlPotentiometer* create(const char* backgroundFile, const char* progressFile, const char* thumbFile);


* Initializes a potentiometer with a track sprite and a progress bar.


* @param trackSprite CCSprite, that is used as a background.

* @param progressSprite CCProgressTimer, that is used as a progress bar.


bool initWithTrackSprite_ProgressTimer_ThumbSprite(CCSprite* trackSprite, CCProgressTimer* progressTimer, CCSprite* thumbSprite);

void setValue(float value);

float getValue();

void setMinimumValue(float minimumValue);

float getMinimumValue();

void setMaximumValue(float maximumValue);

float getMaximumValue();

void setEnabled(bool enabled);

virtual bool isTouchInside(CCTouch * touch);

virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);

virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);

virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);


CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(CCSprite*, m_pThumbSprite, ThumbSprite)

CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(CCProgressTimer*, m_pProgressTimer, ProgressTimer)

CC_SYNTHESIZE(CCPoint, m_tPreviousLocation, PreviousLocation)

/** Contains the receiver’s current value. */

float           m_fValue;

/** Contains the minimum value of the receiver.

* The default value of this property is 0.0. */

float           m_fMinimumValue;

/** Contains the maximum value of the receiver.

* The default value of this property is 1.0. */

float           m_fMaximumValue;

/** Factorize the event dispath into these methods. */

void potentiometerBegan(CCPoint location);

void potentiometerMoved(CCPoint location);

void potentiometerEnded(CCPoint location);

/** Returns the distance between the point1 and point2. */

float distanceBetweenPointAndPoint(CCPoint point1, CCPoint point2);

/** Returns the angle in degree between line1 and line2. */

float angleInDegreesBetweenLineFromPoint_toPoint_toLineFromPoint_toPoint(

CCPoint beginLineA,

CCPoint endLineA,

CCPoint beginLineB,

CCPoint endLineB);


// end of GUI group

/// @}

/// @}




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