#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost; void main()
boost::array<string, >mystr = { "","ab","","ef","" };
boost::array<string, >::iterator ib = mystr.begin();
boost::array<string, >::iterator ie = mystr.end();
for (; ib != ie; ib++)
cout << *ib << endl;
} //返回数组首地址
string *p = mystr.data();
cout << *p << endl;
mystr[] = "";
mystr.at() = ""; //异构容器
std::vector<boost::any> s_values;
//cout << boost::any_cast<double>(s_values[2]) << endl; for_each(s_values.begin(),s_values.end(),
[](const boost::any &anydata)
const std::type_info &ti = anydata.type();
if (ti == typeid(int))
cout << boost::any_cast<int>(anydata) << endl;
else if (ti == typeid(double))
cout << boost::any_cast<double>(anydata) << endl;
else if (ti == typeid(const char *))
cout << boost::any_cast<const char *>(anydata) << endl;
else if (ti == typeid(char))
cout << boost::any_cast<char>(anydata) << endl;
}); cin.get();


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