
Boot project with static content generates 404 when running jar

The recent blog post (https://spring.io/blog/2013/12/19/serving-static-web-content-with-spring-boot)
by Spring regarding the use of static web content in Spring Boot projects indicates that several resource directories may be used:

  • /META-INF/resources/
  • /resources/
  • /static/
  • /public/

This is thanks to the WebMvcAutoConfiguration class which automatically adds these directories to the classpath. This all seems fine and appears to work when using the spring-boot-maven-plugin spring-boot:run goal,
all of your static content is working (eg: /index.html).

When you package your Spring Boot project and allow the spring-boot-maven-plugin to
create the enhanced JAR then attempt to run your project using java
-jar my-spring-boot-project.jar
 you find that your static content now returns a 404 error.

asked Jan 26
at 1:14

2 Answers

It turns out that whilst Spring Boot is being clever at adding the various resource directories to the classpath, Maven is not and it's up to you to deal with that part. By default, only src/main/resources will
be included in your JAR. If you create a folder called /static in
the root of your project (as implied by the blog post) then it will work fine whilst using the spring-boot:run Maven
goal but not once you create a JAR.

The easiest solution is to create your /static folder
inside /src/main/resources and
then Maven will include it in the JAR. Alternative you can add additional resource locations to your Maven project:


I hope this is useful to someone, it's kind of obvious when you step back and look at how Maven works but it might stump a few people using Spring Boot as it's designed to be pretty much configuration free.

answered Jan
26 at 1:14
Just for the record: I think you misread the blog because it doesn't mention maven at all, and isn't
using a jar archive. If you do exactly as Roy did in the blog it would work. –  Dave
26 at 9:27
do you have an example project somewhere so i can see...i still can't get it to work –  Chris
1 at 16:43

I am banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to do this with gradle. Any tips?

EDIT: I got it to work by adding this to my build.gradle:

// Copy resources into the jar as static content, where Spring expects it.
jar.into('static') {
answered Mar
18 at 5:42

Gradle uses "src/main/resources" by default as well. What's wrong with using that? –  Dave
18 at 7:07
That is true, putting it in the resources directly will get your files copied into the jar. However,
in order for Spring to recognize and serve your files as static content, you need to package it under a directory called "static", "public", "resources", or "/META-INF/resources/" in the jar file. If you simply put your files in the resources directory, they
all get copied to the root directory in the jar and Spring serves 404's when you try to access them.–  kgreenek Mar
19 at 2:56
Right, so the simplest (least configuration, maximum functionality) solution is to put your static
resources in "src/main/resourecs/static". That's all I meant. –  Dave
19 at 6:32

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    static content with spring boot

    Apr 9th, 2014, 10:48 AM
    Hi ,

    we are developing a web app with spring boot. It is packaged as jar, because we want to run it standalone using the integrated tomcat.

    We have currently two problems:

    1) I have the index.html and all the js files in src/main/webapp, and this is perfectly working when I run my main.java from eclipse. But when I run mvn clean install the webapp directory and its content is not going in the jar. (so I can't distribute it)

    2) Even if I manage to add this resources to the jar, (adding the webapp resource to the maven sources in the pom) I end up having a huge jar because we have lots of static content (images etc) !

    So my question in what is the best way to serve static content in a spring boot standalone application ? Where should I put my javascript files ? and my images ?

    any suggestion is welcome, thanks !
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    Apr 10th, 2014, 12:59 PM
    For "1", did you you change the the packaging to a "war"? There is some documentation on how to do the conversion in the boot guide.


    For "2" we package all JS and images with the app. Large resources like videos, etc are hosted elsewhere.

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    Apr 11th, 2014, 04:55 AM
    the first question: you can create a folder in the src/main/resource named "static",then you could move all files into this folder, then run mvn install,it would be OK...

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    Apr 11th, 2014, 07:24 AM
    Hi guys, thanks for the suggestions

    At the end I left all the js in src/main/webapp and in the maven assembly added a fileSet rule to copy the content of webapp to a "static" folder :


    so the jar remains slim but I get everything copied inside the dist folder 


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    Apr 16th, 2014, 01:04 PM
    hi, I am also having similar problem. The doc (http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/do...static-content)
    indicated that /public,/static,/resources or /META-INF/resources will all be served. But I am still getting 404 from the browser.

    I tried created a "public" folder and tried putting it immediately under the project root dir, under /src/main/resources/ but neither of them work.

    I am running it directly in Intellij, which executes the Application class.

    Anyone know where I should put the public folder exactly?



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    Apr 17th, 2014, 12:57 PM
    What url are you accessing in the browser?

    If I have the file `src/main/resources/static/foo` I can access it at `http://localhost/appcontext/foo`

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    Apr 18th, 2014, 12:14 PM
    hi Patrad,

    Here is my project structure:

    +- gradle
    | +-- wrapper
    +- src
    | +- main
    | | +- java
    | | | +-- com
    | | | +-- precious
    | | | +- config
    | | | +- greeting
    | | | +-- security
    | | +-- resources
    | | +-- static
    | | +- app
    | | +- css
    | | +- fonts
    | | +-- js
    | | +-- bower_components
    | | +- angularjs
    | | | +- css

    src/main/resources/static/index.html is the file I am trying to access. And "http://localhost:8080/index.html" is the url I uses.

    I can hit the restful controller without any problem. However I can't hit the static content from the browser.

    The thing that looks strange to me is even for static content, it always goes thru "dispatchServlet", is that normal? I was under the impression that static content should be served directly thru tomcat. I haven't tried moving dispatchServlet to a non-root
    context url as the doc seems discourage that (http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/do...patcherservlet).


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    Apr 18th, 2014, 12:46 PM
    That looks right to me. (Your app is deployed at the root context right?)

    I think the dispatcherServlet is suppose to map /** to to ResourceHttpRequestHandler.

    You may have a mapping that overrides that behavior.

    At start up you should see a bunch of log lines where Spring MVC tells you what URL mappings it is using.

    INFO : org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping - Mapped "{[/error],methods=[],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[text/html],custom=[]}" onto public org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView org.springframework.boot.actuate.web.BasicErrorController.errorHtml(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
    INFO : org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping - Mapped URL path [/**] onto handler of type [class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler]

    If you do see the /** mapping, then try setting a break point in ResourceHttpRequestHandler and debug what it is doing.

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    Apr 18th, 2014, 01:56 PM
    thanks Patrad,

    I read something in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2...ic-web-content that
    might help. I will give it a try late tonight and see if it solves my problem.



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    Apr 20th, 2014, 05:51 AM
    An update on what I eventually found and made it work!!. Thanks to Robert Hunt (see attached link)

    Short answer is, the doc is correct that all those resource, static, public paths were added to the ResourceHttpRequestHandler, however they were added as a classpath resource, so they need to be in a class path. However the pom.xml didn't have that. Thus the
    404 not found error.

    adding the following in the <build> section in the pom.xml solves my problem:







    However questions remains why the embeded tomcat docBase is set to a random folder??? (a bit more detail in the link provided below)


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