转载请注明出处 http://www.cnblogs.com/majianming/p/7923604.html

最近在学习spring security,但是在设置客户端密码时,一直出现了一下错误提示,原来没有问题的,认真上次到现在这之间的时间动了什么,我想到了我把 spring security 升级到了5.0.0,应该是这里的问题,那么总需要解决,回退也不是方法吧





Password storage has undergone a major overhaul to provide more secure defaults and the ability to migrate how passwords are stored. The default PasswordEncoder is now DelegatingPasswordEncoder which is a non-passive change. This change ensures that passwords are now encoded using BCrypt by default, allows for validating passwords in old formats, and allows for upgrading the password storage in the future.



password -> {noop}password // noop是no operate的意思,也就是说明保存的密码没有做加密操作

总的来说就是在spring security 4的密码格式上添加了密码类型的标记,并将这个标记使用花括号包裹放在密码密文的前面,形成spring security 5 的密码格式


加密方式 原来security 4的密码格式 现在security 5的密码格式
bcrypt password {bcrypt}password
ldap password {ldap}password
MD4 password {MD4}password
MD5 password {MD5}password
noop password {noop}password
pbkdf2 password {pbkdf2}password
scrypt password {scrypt}password
SHA-1 password {SHA-1}password
SHA-256 password {SHA-256}password
sha256 password {sha256}password

接下来介绍一下分析。如果我们不添加这个类型会怎么样,我们查看 org.springframework.security.crypto.password.DelegatingPasswordEncoder 这个类,在里面一个内部类UnmappedIdPasswordEncoder的matches方法抛出了一个异常信息There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id \"" + id + "\"",这不就是我们抛出的异常吗?

继续看看代码,在DelegatingPasswordEncoder初始化成员变量时候 ,有这样的定义

private PasswordEncoder defaultPasswordEncoderForMatches = new UnmappedIdPasswordEncoder();


String id = extractId(prefixEncodedPassword);
PasswordEncoder delegate = this.idToPasswordEncoder.get(id);
if(delegate == null) {
return this.defaultPasswordEncoderForMatches
.matches(rawPassword, prefixEncodedPassword);

这里,调用了默认的matches函数,也就是UnmappedIdPasswordEncoder的matches,如果设置在数据库密码没有带{}这样的标记,或者标记里的encode id 没有在声明的id 集合内(id集合是什么?也就是上面表格中所支持的加密格式,在运行时候DelegatingPasswordEncoder的构造函数打个断点就知道了,其实就是idToPasswordEncoder这个变量的值,这个值定义PasswordEncoderFactories类中),那么它就抛出异常。

String prefixEncodedPassword) {
String id = extractId(prefixEncodedPassword);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id \"" + id + "\"");

转载请注明出处 http://www.cnblogs.com/majianming/p/7923604.html

spring security 5.0.0.RELEASE


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