1,ceph fileSystem

using the mounted Ceph FS filesystem

当我们部署好ceph store cluster(monitor,metadata,object store daemon)

当我们部署好ceph store cluster(monitor,metadata,object store daemon)
我们就可以mount挂载ceph 文件系统使用了
1,kernel driver
mount ceph fs as a kernel driver
sudo mkdir /mnt/mycephfs
sudo mount -t ceph {ip_address-of_monitor}:6789:/ /mnt/mycephfs
the ceph storage cluster uses authentication by default,specify a user name and the secretfile
sudo mount -t ceph ruiy.cc:6789:/ /mnt/mountPoint -o name=aceph,secretfile=aceph.secret

2,filesystem in user space(fuse)
mount ceph FS as a filesystem in user space (fuse)
sudo mkdir ~/mycephfs
sudo ceph-fuse -m ruiy.cc:6789 ~/mycephfs

the ceph storage cluster uses authentication by default,Specify a keystring if it is not in the default location (/etc/ceph/)


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