
At the end of the AC meeting, there were 59 papers (3.5%) accepted for orals and 381 (22.7%)accepted as posters, for an overall acceptance rate of 26.4%  where Percentages are computed  using the 1677 papers that entered the review process. In addition to the acceptances, there were 1050 formal rejections during the AC meeting, while 187 papers were rejected for administrative reasons e.g. dual submissions) or were withdrawn by the authors after reviewing.   (These 1677 papers are in addition to the 353 “submissions” deleted by the administrator or by authors before reviewing began, taking the total CVPR paper entries to 2020.)



The following table shows additional stats showing the per-area acceptance rate and also the percentage of submissions/orals and posters for that area compared to the overall CVPR2011 pool.

Primary Subject Area Area Acceptance Rate % of all CVPR11 Submissions % of all CVPR11 orals % of all CVPR11 Posters
Vision for Robotics 16% 1.13% 0.00% 0.79%
Human Identification 17% 1.07% 1.69% 0.52%
Face and Gesture Analysis 21% 5.84% 3.39% 4.99%
Performance Evaluation 22% 0.54% 0.00% 0.52%
Applications of Computer Vision 23% 5.01% 3.39% 4.46%
Motion and Tracking 23% 7.10% 10.17% 5.51%
Sensors 23% 0.78% 0.00% 0.79%
Early and Biologically-inspired Vision 24% 2.44% 1.69% 2.36%
Object Detection 25% 5.49% 8.47% 4.72%
Scene Understanding 26% 2.80% 5.08% 2.36%
Medical Image Analysis 26% 3.40% 0.00% 3.94%
Shape Representation and Matching 28% 3.82% 3.39% 4.20%
Vision for Graphics 29% 0.42% 0.00% 0.52%
Image and Video Retrieval 29% 4.95% 8.47% 4.99%
Color and Texture 29% 1.43% 1.69% 1.57%
Stereo and Structure from Motion 30% 4.89% 3.39% 6.04%
Video Surveillance 31% 2.15% 1.69% 2.62%
Segmentation and Grouping 31% 6.74% 5.08% 8.40%
Shape-from-X 32% 2.21% 1.69% 2.89%
Document Analysis 33% 0.72% 1.69% 0.79%
Illumination and Reflectance Modeling 33% 1.25% 1.69% 1.57%
Computational Photography and Video 34% 3.46% 8.47% 3.94%
Object Recognition 35% 5.66% 6.78% 7.61%
Statistical Methods and Learning 35% 7.87% 3.39% 11.55%
Video Analysis and Event Recognition 35% 4.89% 8.47% 6.30%
Optimization Methods 36% 2.62% 6.78% 3.15%
Image-Based Modeling 38% 2.03% 3.39% 2.89%
Withdrawn/Admin Rejects 0% 9.30% 0.00% 0.00%



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