
PHPMailer is a third party class for sending emails, Full docs are available at

Make an alias:

use Helpers\PhpMailer\Mail;

To use PHPMailer create a new instance of it:

$mail = new Mail();

Once an instance has been created all the properties are available to you, a typical example:

$mail = new Mail();
$mail->subject('Important Email');
$mail->body("<h1>Hey</h1><p>I like this <b>Bold</b> Text!</p>");

To use gmail use at your own risk!! You must enable an option in order to allow to send email through gmail goto login and enable Allow access to less secure apps.

The class has the ability to send via SMTP in order to do so edit Helpers/PhpMailer/Mail.php and enter your SMTP settings you can also set a default email from address so you don't have to supply it each time:

public $From     = '';
public $FromName = SITETITLE;
public $Host = '';
public $Mailer = 'smtp';
public $SMTPAuth = true;
public $Username = '';
public $Password = 'password';
public $SMTPSecure = 'tls';
public $WordWrap = 75;

You don't need to specify a plain text version of the email to be sent out, this is done automatically from the supplied body.


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