using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsolePractice
public class Node
public int data;
public Node(int key)
data = key;
} class Heap
Node[] heapArray = null;
private int maxSize = ;
private int currSize = ;
public Heap(int maxSize)
this.maxSize = maxSize;
heapArray = new Node[maxSize];
} public bool InsertAt(int pos, Node nd)
heapArray[pos] = nd;
return true;
} public void ShowArray()
for (int i = ; i < maxSize; i++)
if (heapArray[i] != null)
Console.Write(heapArray[i].data + " ");
} public void ShiftUp(int index)
int parent = (index - ) / ;
Node bottom = heapArray[index];
while ((index > ) && (heapArray[parent].data <
heapArray[index] = heapArray[parent];
index = parent;
parent = (parent - ) / ;
heapArray[index] = bottom;
} public bool Insert(int key)
if (currSize == maxSize)
return false;
heapArray[currSize] = new Node(key);
return true;
} public Node Remove()
Node root = heapArray[];
heapArray[] = heapArray[currSize];
return root;
} public void ShiftDown(int index)
int largerChild;
Node top = heapArray[index];
while (index < (int)(currSize / ))
int leftChild = * index + ;
int rightChild = leftChild + ;
if ((rightChild < currSize) && heapArray[leftChild].data < heapArray[rightChild].data)
largerChild = rightChild;
largerChild = leftChild;
if ( >= heapArray[largerChild].data)
heapArray[index] = heapArray[largerChild];
index = largerChild;
heapArray[index] = top;
} class C_shape
static void Main()
const int SIZE = ;
Heap aHeap = new Heap(SIZE);
Random RandomClass = new Random();
for (int i = ; i < SIZE; i++)
int rn = RandomClass.Next(, );
} Console.WriteLine("Random:");
aHeap.ShowArray(); Console.WriteLine("Heap:");
for (int i = (int)SIZE / - ; i >= ; i--)
aHeap.ShowArray(); Console.WriteLine("Sorted:");
for (int i = SIZE - ; i >= ; i--)
Node bigNode = aHeap.Remove();
aHeap.InsertAt(i, bigNode);


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