2014-05-11 05:55



difference between thread and process.




 // http://www.careercup.com/question?id=5718181884723200
. Basic element of resource allocation in the operating system.
. Possesses independent resources:
a. code segment
b. data segment
i. constant data
ii. global variable
iii. stack
iv. heap
c. register
d. program counter
. Have independent virtual address mapping.
. It has life cycle, it is running, in contrast to a program.
. Basic element of CPU scheduling.
. Possesses part of independent resources:
a. register
b. stack
c. program counter
. Multiple threads share part of resources in same process:
a. code segment
b. data segment
i. constant data
ii. global variable
iii. heap
. All threads in a process share the same address space.
. It has life cycle


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