This lesson will teach you the basics of setting properties in your React components.

class App extends React.Component {
let txt = this.props.txt
return <h1>{txt}</h1>
} App.propTypes = {
txt: React.PropTypes.string,
cat: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
} App.defaultProps ={
txt: 'this is the default txt'
} ReactDOM.render(
<App cat={5} />,


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  6. LeetCode Javascript实现 258. Add Digits 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 226. Invert Binary Tree
  7. 【转载】假设有以下代码 String s = “hello”; 阿里巴巴笔试题
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  13. eclipse中搭建ssm框架
  14. Java常用API、Math类介绍
  15. Python: 猴子分桃。海滩上有一堆桃子,五只猴子来分。
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