

Write a top-level Verilog module (named top_module) for the shift register, assuming that n = 4. Instantiate four copies of your MUXDFF subcircuit in your top-level module. Assume that you are going to implement the circuit on the DE2 board.

Connect the R inputs to the SW switches,

  • clk to KEY[0],
  • E to KEY[1],
  • L to KEY[2], and
  • w to KEY[3].

    Connect the outputs to the red lights LEDR[3:0].

// Write a top-level Verilog module (named top_module) for the shift register, assuming that n = 4. Instantiate four copies of your MUXDFF subcircuit in your top-level module. Assume that you are going to implement the circuit on the DE2 board. // Connect the R inputs to the SW switches,
// clk to KEY[0],
// E to KEY[1],
// L to KEY[2], and
// w to KEY[3].
// Connect the outputs to the red lights LEDR[3:0]. module top_module (
input [3:0] SW,
input [3:0] KEY,
output [3:0] LEDR
); // MUXDFF ins3_MUXDFF(.clk(KEY[0]), .R(SW[3]),.E(KEY[1]),.L(KEY[2]),.w(KEY[3]), .Q(LEDR[3])); MUXDFF ins2_MUXDFF(.clk(KEY[0]),.R(SW[2]),.E(KEY[1]),.L(KEY[2]),.w(LEDR[3]),.Q(LEDR[2])); MUXDFF ins1_MUXDFF(.clk(KEY[0]),.R(SW[1]),.E(KEY[1]),.L(KEY[2]),.w(LEDR[2]),.Q(LEDR[1])); MUXDFF ins0_MUXDFF(.clk(KEY[0]),.R(SW[0]),.E(KEY[1]),.L(KEY[2]),.w(LEDR[1]),.Q(LEDR[0])); endmodule module MUXDFF (
input clk,
input w, R, E, L,
output reg Q
); wire D_i;
assign D_i = L?R:(E?w:Q);
always @(posedge clk) begin
Q <= D_i;
end endmodule



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