
PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\eSievePro
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 100

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default): n

Start to work out all primes below 100...
25 primes found in 0 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\eSievePro
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 12345678

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 12345678...
809227 primes found in 63 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\eSievePro
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 123456789

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 123456789...
7027260 primes found in 1031 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\eSievePro
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 1234567890

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 1234567890...
62106578 primes found in 12375 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\eSievePro
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 1234567

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 1234567...
95360 primes found in 0 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release>





1 typedef unsigned char u8;
2 typedef unsigned long ulong;
3 static ulong s_last = 0;
4 static u8* s_pOdd = NULL;
5 static std::vector<ulong> s_vecPrime;



 1 int main()
2 {
3 printf(" Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: ");
4 std::string strInput;
5 getline(std::cin, strInput);
6 ulong raw_last = strtoul(strInput.c_str(), 0, 10);
7 if (raw_last <= 2) {
8 printf("\n Wrong input.\n");
9 return 0;
10 }
11 printf("\n Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default): ");
12 getline(std::cin, strInput);
13 bool bDetail = (strInput == "n");
14 if (bDetail)
15 printf("\n Start to work out all primes below %u...\n", raw_last);
16 else
17 printf("\n Start to work out the sum of all primes below %u...\n", raw_last);
18 if (!eSievePro(raw_last, bDetail))
19 return 0;
20 if (bDetail)
21 showDetails();
22 return 0;
23 }



 1 bool eSievePro(ulong raw_last, bool bDetail)
2 {
3 DWORD tickBegin = GetTickCount();
4 s_last = raw_last / 2;
5 s_pOdd = new u8[s_last];
6 if (!s_pOdd) {
7 printf("Lack of memory.\n");
8 return false;
9 }
10 ulong sum = 1;
11 ulong curPrime = 2;
12 if (bDetail)
13 s_vecPrime.push_back(curPrime);
14 if (raw_last == 3)
15 goto Ending;
17 memset(s_pOdd, 1, s_last);
18 ulong curPrimeIdx = 0;
19 while (true) {
20 renewCurrentPrime(curPrimeIdx);
21 ++sum;
22 curPrime = (curPrimeIdx + curPrimeIdx) + 1;
23 if (bDetail)
24 s_vecPrime.push_back(curPrime);
25 s_pOdd[curPrimeIdx - 1] = 0;
26 ulong sqr = curPrime * curPrime;
27 if (sqr > raw_last)
28 break;
29 ulong step = curPrime + curPrime;
30 for (ulong idx = sqr; idx < raw_last; idx += step) {
31 s_pOdd[(idx - 1) / 2 - 1] = 0;
32 }
33 }
34 /// pick up all the left primes
35 for (ulong idx = curPrime + 2; idx < raw_last; idx += 2) {
36 ulong halfIdx = (idx - 1) / 2 - 1;
37 if (s_pOdd[halfIdx] == 1) {
38 ++sum;
39 if (bDetail)
40 s_vecPrime.push_back(idx);
41 }
42 }
44 Ending:
45 printf(" %u primes found in %u milliseconds.\n\n", sum, GetTickCount() - tickBegin);
46 delete []s_pOdd;
47 return true;
48 }

 4     s_last = raw_last / 2;
5 s_pOdd = new u8[s_last];



26         ulong sqr = curPrime * curPrime;
29         ulong step = curPrime + curPrime;
30 for (ulong idx = sqr; idx < raw_last; idx += step) {
31 s_pOdd[(idx - 1) / 2 - 1] = 0;
32 }


36         for (int idx = curPrime - 1; idx <= s_last - 1; idx += curPrime) {
37 s_pAll[idx] = 0;
38 }





1 bool renewCurrentPrime(ulong& primeIdx)
2 {
3 while (primeIdx < s_last) {
4 ++primeIdx;
5 if (s_pOdd[primeIdx - 1] == 1)
6 return true;
7 }
8 return false;
9 }






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