

Remember that a program is just a sequence of instructions telling a computer what to do. Obviously, we need to provide those instructions in a language that a computer can understand. It would be nice if we could just tell a computer what to do using our native language, like they do in science fiction movies. (“Computer,how long will it take to reach planet Alphalpha at maximum warp?”) Unfortunately, despite the continuing efforts of many top-flight computer scientists (including your author), designing a computer to understand human language is still an unsolved problem.


Even if computers could understand us, human languages are not very well suited for describing complex algorithms. Natural language is fraught with ambiguity and imprecision. For example, if I say: “I saw the man in the park with the telescope,” did I have the telescope, or did the man? And who was in the park? We understand each other most of the time only because all humans share a vast store of common knowledge and experience. Even then, miscommunication is commonplace.

即使计算机能够弄懂人类的语言,我们的语言也不适合来描述解释一些复杂的算法。人类自然语言的缺陷是多义性与精确度不高。打个比方,如果我说“I saw the man in the park with the telescope." 是我本人手里拿着望远镜,还是我看到的人?到底谁在公园里?生活在地球上的人类能够相互沟通的原因是,我们共享在海量的知识与经验。但是误解也是家常便饭,不然地球上就没有争端与战争了。

Computer scientists have gotten around this problem by designing notations for expressing computations in an exact, and unambiguous way. These special notations are called programming languages. Every structure in a programming language has a precise form (its syntax) and a precise meaning (its semantics). A programming language is something like a code for writing down the instructions that a computer will follow. In fact, programmers often refer to their programs as computer code, and the process of writing an algorithm in a programming language is called coding.


Python is one example of a programming language. It is the language that we will use throughout this book. You may have heard of some other languages, such as C++, Java, Perl, Scheme, or BASIC. Although these languages differ in many details, they all share the property of having well-defined, unambiguoussyntax and semantics.

Python就是一门编程语言。本书使用Python为例进行展开的。大家可能听说过其它编程语言,如C++,Java,Perl, Scheme等。虽然这些语言在细节上有差异,有也很多的相似点,如定义优良,语法,语义无歧义。

All of the languages mentioned above are examples of high-level computer languages. Although they are precise, they are designed to be used and understood by humans. Strictly speaking, computer hardware can only understand very low-level language known as machine language.


Suppose we want the computer to add two numbers. The instructions that the CPU actually carries out might be something like this.


load the number from memory location 2001 into the CPU

load the number from memory location 2002 into the CPU

Add the two numbers in the CPU

store the result into location 2003

(存储器2001地址处的数转入到Cpu, 存储器2002地址处的数转入到CPU, 在CPU中把这两数累加,结果保存到存储器2003地址处)

This seems like a lot of work to add two numbers, doesn’t it? Actually, it’s even more complicated than this because the instructions and numbers are represented in binary notation (as sequences of 0s and 1s).


In a high-level language like Python, the addition of two numbers can be expressed more naturally: c = a + b. That’s a lot easier for us to understand, but we need some way to translate the high-level language into the machine language that the computer can execute. There are two ways to do this: a high-level language can either be compiled or interpreted.


A compiler is a complex computer program that takes another program written in a high-level language and translates it into an equivalent program in the machine language of some computer.


a block diagram of the compiling process. The high-level program is called source code, and the resulting machine code is a program that the computer can directly execute. The dashed line in the diagram represents the execution of the machine code.


An interpreter is a program that simulates a computer that understands a high-level language. Rather than translating the source program into a machine language equivalent, the interpreter analyzes and executes the source code instruction by instruction as necessary.

解释器也是一段程序,使得计算机能够理解高级语言.。 它不是把源代码翻译成相应的机器语言,它是通过解释器,边读取指令边分析并执行源代码。

The difference between interpreting and compiling is that compiling is a one-shot translation; once a program is compiled, it may be run over and over again without further need for the compiler or the source code. In the interpreted case, the interpreter and the source are needed every time the program runs. Compiled programs tend to be faster, since the translation is done once and for all, but interpreted languages lend themselves to a more flexible programming environment as programs can be developed and run interactively.


The translation process highlights another advantage that high-level languages have over machine language: portability. The machine language of a computer is created by the designers of the particular CPU.


Each kind of computer has its own machine language. A program for a Pentium CPU won’t run on a Macintosh that sports a PowerPC. On the other hand, a program written in a high-level language can be run on many different kinds of computers as long as there is a suitable compiler or interpreter (which is just another program). For example, if I design a new computer, I can also program a Python interpreter for it, and then any program written in Python can be run on my new computer。




    1. 游戏开发
    1. 办公软件
    1. 图形处理软件
    1. 网站开发
    1. 操作系统
    1. 关系型数据库



void main()
printf("Hello World!");
using namespace std;
void main()
cout<<"Hello World!";






void main()


*{} *


printf("Hello World!");







using namespace std;


void main()




cout<<"Hello World!";


cout << endl;

当然四五两句可以实现合并,变成cout << "Hello World" << endl;作用是一样的,endl语句的作用就是换行。




1.c++和c语言,java语言一样,在每一个语句结束都要加一个分号( ; ) ,为了标识,语句已经结束,其中的标点符号,都要使用英文的,不能使用中文的标点符号,这是很多初学者容易犯的错误.



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