Dev 401-007 Designing Applications for Multiple users: Managing your users' experience part 1

Module Objectives
1.List the different types and characteristics of license the platform supports/
2.List the things a profile controls in the application.
3.List tha aspects of the profile that control access to data.
4.List the permissions that give a System Administrator the permissions he needs to manage the application.
5.State the type of profile that can be customized.
6.Create a profile.
7.Create a record type to filter picklist values.
8.Create a record type and page layout to alter the user experience.
9.Employ field-level security to lock down access to field data.

License Types
1.Each user must have a usere license.
2.Different types of user license allow different levels of access.
3.Feature licenses determine whether users have access to additional feature like Mobile or Content.

What is a Profile?
1.Defines a user's permissions to perform different functions.
2.Determines how a user sees records to which s/he has access.
3.Every user has a profile(Only 1 profile).
4.We can group the things that profiles control into 3 categories:
- permissions, Access to data, and User Interface.
Permissions                    Access to Data U                User Interface
General User Permissions       Field Level Security              Page Layouts
Administrative Permissions     Object CRUDRecord Types
Standard/Custom Object CRUD    Login ours and IP Ranges          Tabs/Applications

What Do Profiles Control?
1. Tab settings determine which tabs a user sees when s/he logs in
2. Permissions determine what users can do to records to which they have access.
3.Login Hours and Login IP Ranges:
- Sets the hour when users with a particular profile can use the system.
- Sets the IP addresses from which users with a particular profile can log in.

Additional Information About Profiles
1.There are 6 standard profiles.
- Permissions on standard profiles cannot be customized.
2. developers can create custom profiles.
- When creating a new custom profile, developers need to select a profile from which to copy over permissions and settings.
3.Each profile is associated with a license type.
4,Typically, organization will have one profile for each actor.

Profiles Have a Set of Permissions
1.Profiles control Administrative Permissions.
2.Profiles control General User Permissions.

A Few Permissions to Note
1."View All Data"
2."Modify All Data"
3."Customize Application"
4."API Only Uer"
5."Password Never Expires"

Object Permissions
1.Permissions determine what user can do to records to which the access.
2.Lacking the "Read" permission for an object meas that users will not be able to access it at all.
- No access in the application or API
- No access on reports.
- No Access through search.

Universal Container Scenario
1.At Universal Containers(UC), interviews should only have access to a limited amount of information about candidates.
2.UC wants to completely lock down access to sensitive candidate data from all interviewers.
3.Recruiters should be able to see all of the data about a given candidate.
4.UC needs to learn how field-level security can be used to restrict access to sensitive data on objects.

What is Field Level Security?
1.Restricts users' access to view and edit fields.
2.Overrides any less-restrictive field access settings in page layouts and search layouts.
3.Controls which fields users can access in related lists,list views, reports, Connect Offline,email and mail merge templates, custom links, and when synchronizing data or importing personal data.


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