spark 累加历史主要用到了窗口函数,而进行全部统计,则需要用到rollup函数

1  应用场景:



  3、需要展现的表格头如: 产品、2015-04、2015-05、2015-06

2 原始数据:

product_code |event_date |duration |
1438 |2016-05-13 |165 |
1438 |2016-05-14 |595 |
1438 |2016-05-15 |105 |
1629 |2016-05-13 |12340 |
1629 |2016-05-14 |13850 |
1629 |2016-05-15 |227 |

3 业务场景实现

3.1 业务场景1:累加历史:


3.1.1 spark-sql实现

//spark sql 使用窗口函数累加历史数据
select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc) as sum_duration
from userlogs_date
| 1438|2016-05-13| 165|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 760|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 865|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 12340|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 26190|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 26417|

3.1.2 dataframe实现

//使用Column提供的over 函数,传入窗口操作
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val first_2_now_window = Window.partitionBy("pcode").orderBy("event_date")
).show +-----+----------+------------+
| 1438|2016-05-13| 165|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 760|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 865|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 12340|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 26190|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 26417|

 3.1.3 扩展 累加一段时间范围内

实际业务中的累加逻辑远比上面复杂,比如,累加之前N天,累加前N天到后N天等等。以下我们来实现: 累加历史所有:

select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
上边四种写法完全相等 累加N天之前,假设N=3
select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between 3 preceding and current row) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
Window.partitionBy("pcode").orderBy("event_date").rowsBetween(-3,0) 累加前N天,后M天: 假设N=3 M=5 

select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between 3 preceding and 5 following ) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
Window.partitionBy("pcode").orderBy("event_date").rowsBetween(-3,5) 累加该分区内所有行
select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as sum_duration from userlogs_date


preceding:用于累加前N行(分区之内)。若是从分区第一行头开始,则为 unbounded。 N为:相对当前行向前的偏移量
following :与preceding相反,累加后N行(分区之内)。若是累加到该分区结束,则为 unbounded。N为:相对当前行向后的偏移量
current row:顾名思义,当前行,偏移量为0
说明:上边的前N,后M,以及current row均会累加该偏移量所在行 实测结果
累加历史:分区内当天及之前所有 写法1:select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc) as sum_duration from userlogs_date

| 1438|2016-05-13| 165|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 760|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 865|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 12340|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 26190|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 26417|
累加历史:分区内当天及之前所有 写法2:select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
| 1438|2016-05-13| 165|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 760|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 865|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 12340|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 26190|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 26417|
累加当日和昨天:select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between 1 preceding and current row) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
| 1438|2016-05-13| 165|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 760|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 700|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 12340|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 26190|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 14077|
累加当日、昨日、明日:select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between 1 preceding and 1 following ) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
| 1438|2016-05-13| 760|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 865|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 700|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 26190|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 26417|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 14077|
累加分区内所有:当天和之前之后所有:select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) over (partition by pcode order by event_date asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as sum_duration from userlogs_date
| 1438|2016-05-13| 865|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 865|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 865|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 26417|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 26417|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 26417|
3.2 业务场景2:统计全部

3.2.1 spark sql实现

//spark sql 使用rollup添加all统计
select pcode,event_date,sum(duration) as sum_duration
from userlogs_date_1
group by pcode,event_date with rollup
order by pcode,event_date
""").show() +-----+----------+------------+
| null| null| 27282|
| 1438| null| 865|
| 1438|2016-05-13| 165|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 595|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 105|
| 1629| null| 26417|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 12340|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 13850|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 227|

3.2.2 dataframe函数实现

df_userlogs_date.rollup($"pcode", $"event_date").agg(sum($"duration")).orderBy($"pcode", $"event_date") +-----+----------+-------------+
| null| null| 27282|
| 1438| null| 865|
| 1438|2016-05-13| 165|
| 1438|2016-05-14| 595|
| 1438|2016-05-15| 105|
| 1629| null| 26417|
| 1629|2016-05-13| 12340|
| 1629|2016-05-14| 13850|
| 1629|2016-05-15| 227|

  3.3 行转列 ->pivot

val userlogs_date_all = sqlContext.sql("select dcode, pcode,event_date,sum(duration) as duration from userlogs group by dognum, pcode,event_date ")
val dates =$"event_date").map(row => row.getAs[String]("event_date")).distinct().collect().toList
userlogs_date_all.groupBy($"dcode", $"pcode").pivot("event_date", dates).sum("duration").na.fill().show +-----------------+-----+----------+----------+----------+----------+
| dcode|pcode|--|--|--|--|
| F2429186| | | | | |
| AI2342441| | | | | |
| A320018711| | | | | |
| H2635817| | | | | |
| D0288196| | | | | |
| Y0242218| | | | | |
| H2392574| | | | | |
| D2245588| | | | | |
| Y2514906| | | | | |
| H2540419| | | | | |
| R2231926| | | | | |
| H2684591| | | | | |
| A2548470| | | | | |
| GH000309| | | | | |
| H2293216| | | | | |
| R2170601| | | | | |
|B2365238;B2559538| | | | | |
| BQ005465| | | | | |
| AH2180324| | | | | |
| H0279306| | | | | |



def rollup(col1: String, cols: String*): GroupedData
Create a multi-dimensional rollup for the current DataFrame using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. See GroupedData for all the available aggregate functions.
This is a variant of rollup that can only group by existing columns using column names (i.e. cannot construct expressions). // Compute the average for all numeric columns rolluped by department and group.
df.rollup("department", "group").avg() // Compute the max age and average salary, rolluped by department and gender.
df.rollup($"department", $"gender").agg(Map(
"salary" -> "avg",
"age" -> "max"
def rollup(cols: Column*): GroupedData
Create a multi-dimensional rollup for the current DataFrame using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. See GroupedData for all the available aggregate functions.
df.rollup($"department", $"group").avg() // Compute the max age and average salary, rolluped by department and gender.
df.rollup($"department", $"gender").agg(Map(
"salary" -> "avg",
"age" -> "max"
def over(window: WindowSpec): Column
Define a windowing column. val w = Window.partitionBy("name").orderBy("id")
sum("price").over(w.rangeBetween(Long.MinValue, 2)),
avg("price").over(w.rowsBetween(0, 4))


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