IE 11 MSHTML!CPaste­Command::Convert­Bitmapto­Png heap-based buffer overflow学习

MS14-056, CVE-2014-4138


8 May 2014: This vulnerability was submitted to ZDI.
9 June 2014: This vulnerability was acquired by ZDI.
23 June 2014: This vulnerability was disclosed to Microsoft by ZDI.
14 October 2014: This vulnerability was address by Microsoft in MS14-056.
21 December 2016: Details of this vulnerability are released.


版本:Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16521




CPaste­Command::Convert­Bitmapto­Png 伪代码

[IN] VOID* po­Bitmap,
UINT u­Bitmap­Size,
[OUT] VOID** ppo­Png­Image,
UINT* pu­Png­Image­Size
) {
// BMP到PNG的转换
CMem­Stm* po­CMem­Stm;
IWICStream* po­Wic­Bitmap;
STATSTG o­Stat­Stg;
TSmart­Array<unsigned char> po­Png­Image;
UINT u­Read­Size;
// Create a CMem­Stm for the PNG image.
Create­Stream­On­HGlobal(NULL, True, po­CMem­Stm);
// Create an IWICStream from the BMP image.
Initialize­From­Memory(po­Bit­Map, u­Bitmap­Size,
&GUID_­Container­Format­Bmp, &po­Wic­Bitmap)));
// Write BMP image in IWICStream to PNG image in CMem­Stm
Write­Wic­Bitmap­To­Stream(po­Wic­Bitmap, &GUID_­Container­Format­Png, po­CMem­Stm);
// Get size of PNG image in CMem­Stm and save it to the output variable.
o­CMem­Stm->Stat(&o­Stat­Stg, 0);
*pu­Png­Image­Size = o­Stat­Stg.cb­Size.Low­Part;
// Allocate memory for the PNG
// Go to start of PNG image in CMem­Stm
po­CMem­Stm->Seek(0, STREAM_­SEEK_­SET, NULL, &p­Position­Low);
// Read PNG image in CMem­Stm to allocated memory.
po­CMem­Stm->Read(po­Png­Image, *pu­Png­Image­Size, &u­Read­Size);
// Save location of allocated memory with PNG image to output variable.
*ppo­Png­Image = po­Png­Image;





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