
 import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap; import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.ComThread;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.Variant; public class WordUtil {
private boolean saveOnExit; /**
* word文档
private Dispatch doc = null; /**
* word运行程序对象
private ActiveXComponent word; /**
* 所有word文档
private Dispatch documents; /**
* 构造函数 */
public WordUtil() {
saveOnExit = false;
word = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
word.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false));
documents = word.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
} /**
* 设置参数:退出时是否保存
* @param saveOnExit true-退出时保存文件,false-退出时不保存文件 */
public void setSaveOnExit(boolean saveOnExit) {
this.saveOnExit = saveOnExit;
} /**
* 得到参数:退出时是否保存
* @return boolean true-退出时保存文件,false-退出时不保存文件 */
public boolean getSaveOnExit() {
return saveOnExit;
} /**
* 打开文件
* @param inputDoc 要打开的文件,全路径 * @return Dispatch 打开的文件 */
public Dispatch open(String inputDoc) {
return Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", inputDoc).toDispatch();
} /**
* 选定内容
* @return Dispatch 选定的范围或插入点 */
public Dispatch select() {
return word.getProperty("Selection").toDispatch();
} /**
* 把选定内容或插入点向上移动
* @param selection 要移动的内容
* @param count 移动的距离 */
public void moveUp(Dispatch selection, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveUp");
} /**
* 把选定内容或插入点向下移动
* @param selection 要移动的内容
* @param count 移动的距离 */
public void moveDown(Dispatch selection, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveDown");
} /**
* 把选定内容或插入点向左移动
* @param selection 要移动的内容
* @param count 移动的距离 */
public void moveLeft(Dispatch selection, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveLeft");
} /**
* 把选定内容或插入点向右移动
* @param selection 要移动的内容
* @param count 移动的距离 */
public void moveRight(Dispatch selection, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");
} /**
* 把插入点移动到文件首位置
* @param selection 插入点 */
public void moveStart(Dispatch selection) {
Dispatch.call(selection, "HomeKey", new Variant(6));
} /**
* 从选定内容或插入点开始查找文本 * @param selection 选定内容
* @param toFindText 要查找的文本
* @return boolean true-查找到并选中该文本,false-未查找到文本
public boolean find(Dispatch selection, String toFindText) {
// 从selection所在位置开始查询 Dispatch find = Dispatch.call(selection, "Find").toDispatch();
// 设置要查找的内容
Dispatch.put(find, "Text", toFindText);
// 向前查找
Dispatch.put(find, "Forward", "True");
// 设置格式
Dispatch.put(find, "Format", "True");
// 大小写匹配 Dispatch.put(find, "MatchCase", "True");
// 全字匹配
Dispatch.put(find, "MatchWholeWord", "True");
// 查找并选中
return Dispatch.call(find, "Execute").getBoolean();
} /**
* 把选定内容替换为设定文本 * @param selection 选定内容
* @param newText 替换为文本 */
public void replace(Dispatch selection, String newText) {
// 设置替换文本
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);
} /**
* 全局替换
* @param selection 选定内容或起始插入点
* @param oldText 要替换的文本
* @param newText 替换为文本 */
public void replaceAll(Dispatch selection, String oldText, Object replaceObj) {
// 移动到文件开头 moveStart(selection);
if (oldText.startsWith("table") || replaceObj instanceof List) {
replaceTable(selection, oldText, (List) replaceObj);
} else {
String newText = (String) replaceObj;
if (oldText.indexOf("image") != -1
|| newText.lastIndexOf(".bmp") != -1
|| newText.lastIndexOf(".jpg") != -1
|| newText.lastIndexOf(".gif") != -1)
while (find(selection, oldText)) {
replaceImage(selection, newText);
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");
while (find(selection, oldText)) {
replace(selection, newText);
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");
} /**
* 替换图片
* @param selection 图片的插入点
* @param imagePath 图片文件(全路径) */
public void replaceImage(Dispatch selection, String imagePath) {
Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(),
"AddPicture", imagePath);
} /**
* 替换表格
* @param selection 插入点 * @param tableName 表格名称,形如table$1@1、table$2@1...table$R@N,R代表从表格中的第N行开始填充,
* N代表word文件中的第N张表
* @param fields 表格中要替换的字段与数据的对应表
public void replaceTable(Dispatch selection, String tableName, List dataList) {
if (dataList.size() <= 1) {
System.out.println("Empty table!");
// 要填充的列 String[] cols = (String[]) dataList.get(0);
// 表格序号
String tbIndex = tableName.substring(tableName.lastIndexOf("@") + 1);
// 从第几行开始填充 int fromRow = Integer.parseInt(tableName.substring(tableName
.lastIndexOf("$") + 1, tableName.lastIndexOf("@")));
// 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tbIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
// 填充表格
for (int i = 1; i < dataList.size(); i++) {
// 某一行数据 String[] datas = (String[]) dataList.get(i);
// 在表格中添加一行 if (Dispatch.get(rows, "Count").getInt() < fromRow + i - 1)
Dispatch.call(rows, "Add");
// 填充该行的相关列
for (int j = 0; j < datas.length; j++) {
// 得到单元格 Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell",
Integer.toString(fromRow + i - 1), cols[j])
// 选中单元格 Dispatch.call(cell, "Select");
// 设置格式
Dispatch font = Dispatch.get(selection, "Font").toDispatch();
Dispatch.put(font, "Bold", "0");
Dispatch.put(font, "Italic", "0");
// 输入数据
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", datas[j]);
} /**
* 保存文件
* @param outputPath 输出文件(包含路径)
public void save(String outputPath) {
Dispatch.call(Dispatch.call(word, "WordBasic").getDispatch(),
"FileSaveAs", outputPath);
} /**
* 关闭文件
* @param document 要关闭的文件
public void close(Dispatch doc) {
Dispatch.call(doc, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
} /**
* 退出程序 */
public void quit() {
word.invoke("Quit", new Variant[0]);
} /**
* 根据模板、数据生成word文件
* @param inputPath 模板文件(包含路径)
* @param outPath 输出文件(包含路径)
* @param data 数据包(包含要填充的字段、对应的数据) */
public void toWord(String inputPath, String outPath, HashMap data) {
String oldText;
Object newValue;
try {
doc = open(inputPath);
Dispatch selection = select();
Iterator keys = data.keySet().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
oldText = (String) keys.next();
newValue = data.get(oldText);
replaceAll(selection, oldText, newValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
//debug.println("toword[Java2Word]------------操作word文件失败!"+e.getMessage(),true); } finally {
if (doc != null)
} public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap<String,String> data = new HashMap<String,String>();
data.put("$id$", "chec-001");
data.put("$name$", "合同1");
data.put("$sort$", "土建");
data.put("$pay$", "15");
data.put("$total$", "30");
WordUtil wordUtil = new WordUtil();
wordUtil.toWord("D:\\合同模板1.dot", "D:\\合同1.doc", data);
wordUtil = null;


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