






# - When to Log -

client_min_messages = info

#client_min_messages = notice             # values in order of decreasing detail:

#   debug5

#   debug4

#   debug3

#   debug2

#   debug1

#   log

#   notice

#   warning

#   error

log_min_messages = info

#log_min_messages = warning               # values in order of decreasing detail:

#   debug5

#   debug4

#   debug3

#   debug2

#   debug1

#   info

#   notice

#   warning

#   error

#   log

#   fatal

#   panic

log_min_error_statement = info

#log_min_error_statement = error       # values in order of decreasing detail:

#   debug5

#   debug4

#   debug3

#   debug2

#   debug1

#   info

#   notice

#   warning

#   error

#   log

#   fatal

#   panic (effectively off)

#log_min_duration_statement = -1       # -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements

# and their durations, > 0 logs only

# statements running at least this number

# of milliseconds

# - What to Log -

#debug_print_parse = off

#debug_print_rewritten = off

#debug_print_plan = off

#debug_pretty_print = on

#log_checkpoints = off

log_connections = on

log_disconnections = on

#log_duration = off

log_error_verbosity = verbose               # terse, default, or verbose messages

#log_hostname = off

log_line_prefix = '%a %u %d %h %t %i %e '                    # special values:

#   %a = application name

#   %u = user name

#   %d = database name

#   %r = remote host and port(this is a os port)

#   %h = remote host

#   %p = process ID

#   %t = timestamp without milliseconds

#   %m = timestamp with milliseconds

#   %i = command tag

#   %e = SQL state

#   %c = session ID

#   %l = session line number

#   %s = session start timestamp

#   %v = virtual transaction ID

#   %x = transaction ID (0 if none)

#   %q = stop here in non-session

#        processes

#   %% = '%'

# e.g. '<%u%%%d> '

#log_lock_waits = off                      # log lock waits >= deadlock_timeout

log_statement = 'all'                        # none, ddl, mod, all

#log_temp_files = -1                        # log temporary files equal or larger

# than the specified size in kilobytes;

# -1 disables, 0 logs all temp files

log_timezone = 'Asia/Hong_Kong'


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