Tutorial 5: Relationships & Hyperlinked APIs

At the moment relationships within our API are represented by using primary keys. In this part of the tutorial we'll improve the cohesion and discoverability of our API, by instead using hyperlinking for relationships.

目前为止,在我们的 API 中使用主键来代表数据的关联性。在这部分,我们会改进 API 的内聚性,我们表达关联使用超链接来替代主键。

Creating an endpoint for the root of our API

Right now we have endpoints for 'snippets' and 'users', but we don't have a single entry point to our API. To create one, we'll use a regular function-based view and the @api_view decorator we introduced earlier.

现在,我们有 sinippets 和 users 的端点, 但是我们没有 API 的单入口。我们使用之前引入的原生的基于函数的视图 和 @api_view 的装饰器。

from rest_framework import renderers
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.reverse import reverse
def api_root(request, format=None):
  return Response(
              'users': reverse('user-list', request=request, format=format),
              'snippets': reverse('snippet-list', request=request, format=format)
Notice that we're using REST framework's reverse function in order to return fully-qualified URLs.
注意:我们使用reverse函数是为了返回 完整的URL。

Creating an endpoint for the highlighted snippets

The other obvious thing that's still missing from our pastebin API is the code highlighting endpoints.

Unlike all our other API endpoints, we don't want to use JSON, but instead just present an HTML representation. There are two styles of HTML renderer provided by REST framework, one for dealing with HTML rendered using templates, the other for dealing with pre-rendered HTML. The second renderer is the one we'd like to use for this endpoint.

The other thing we need to consider when creating the code highlight view is that there's no existing concrete generic view that we can use. We're not returning an object instance, but instead a property of an object instance.

很明显,API 还是缺少 hightlighting 端点。 不像API 其它的端点, 我们不使用JSON, 只使用 HTML 呈现。 HTML 有两种渲染方式, 一种使用模板,另一种是预渲染。我们使用第二种方式。

我们需要考虑的另一件事情是,当建立 highlight 视图函数时,我们能用的泛型类并不存在。我们不能返回一个实例,只能返回实例的属性。

Instead of using a concrete generic view, we'll use the base class for representing instances, and create our own .get() method. In your snippets.views add:

我们使用基类来代表实例,然后建立 get() 方法,在 snippets.views 中添加:
from rest_framework import renderers
from rest_framework.response import Response
class SnippetHighlight(generics.GenericAPIView):
queryset =Snippet.objects.all()
renderer_classes =(renderers.StaticHTMLRenderer,)
def get(self, request,*args,**kwargs):
snippet = self.get_object()
return Response(snippet.highlighted)

As usual we need to add the new views that we've created in to our URLconf. We'll add a url pattern for our new API root:

跟平常一样,我们需要添加新的视图的URL,编辑 urls.py:


And then add a url pattern for the snippet highlights:

为 snippet highlights 添加 url

url(r'^snippets/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/highlight/$', views.SnippetHighlight.as_view()),

Hyperlinking our API

Dealing with relationships between entities is one of the more challenging aspects of Web API design. There are a number of different ways that we might choose to represent a relationship:

  • Using primary keys.
  • Using hyperlinking between entities.
  • Using a unique identifying slug field on the related entity.
  • Using the default string representation of the related entity.
  • Nesting the related entity inside the parent representation.
  • Some other custom representation.

REST framework supports all of these styles, and can apply them across forward or reverse relationships, or apply them across custom managers such as generic foreign keys.

In this case we'd like to use a hyperlinked style between entities. In order to do so, we'll modify our serializers to extend HyperlinkedModelSerializer instead of the existing ModelSerializer.

在 Web API 中处理实例之间的关系是很有挑战性的。有数个不同的方法来代表实体之间的关系:

  • 使用主键。
  • 使用超链接
  • 使用唯一的识别域
  • 使用默认的字符串
  • 在实体中嵌入相关联的实体
  • 其他自定义

REST 框架提供了以上所有的方式,而且能在正向和逆向的关系中能够使用它们,或者是外键关系。

在这个例子中,我们将使用超链接方式。改些 serializers, 让其继承 HyperlinkedModelSerializer而不是 ModelSerializer。

The HyperlinkedModelSerializer has the following differences from ModelSerializer:

HyperlinkedModelSerializer 与  ModelSerializer的不同:

  • It does not include the pk field by default.
  • It includes a url field, using HyperlinkedIdentityField.
  • Relationships use HyperlinkedRelatedField, instead of PrimaryKeyRelatedField.
  • 默认不包括主键。
  • 包括 url 域,使用HyperlinkedIdentityField。
  • 关系使用 HyperlinkedRelatedField 而不是 PrimaryKeyRelatedField。

We can easily re-write our existing serializers to use hyperlinking.

重写 serializers:

class SnippetSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
owner = serializers.Field(source='owner.username')
highlight = serializers.HyperlinkedIdentityField(view_name='snippet-highlight', format='html')
class Meta:
model =Snippet
fields =('url','highlight','owner','title','code','linenos','language','style')
class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
snippets = serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField(many=True, view_name='snippet-detail')
class Meta:
model =User
fields =('url','username','snippets')

Notice that we've also added a new 'highlight' field. This field is of the same type as the url field, except that it points to the 'snippet-highlight' url pattern, instead of the 'snippet-detail' url pattern.

注意:我们也添加了一个新的 'highlight' 域。该域和 url 域是一样的类型,只不过它指向的是 'snippet-highlight' 的URL 而不是 'snippet-detail'的。

Because we've included format suffixed URLs such as '.json', we also need to indicate on the highlight field that any format suffixed hyperlinks it returns should use the '.html' suffix.

由于我们已经包含了 URL 的后缀格式, 像 '.json',我们同样需要指明 hightlight 域返回的后缀格式,这里使用的是'.html'。

Making sure our URL patterns are named

If we're going to have a hyperlinked API, we need to make sure we name our URL patterns. Let's take a look at which URL patterns we need to name.

  • The root of our API refers to 'user-list' and 'snippet-list'.
  • Our snippet serializer includes a field that refers to 'snippet-highlight'.
  • Our user serializer includes a field that refers to 'snippet-detail'.
  • Our snippet and user serializers include 'url' fields that by default will refer to '{model_name}-detail', which in this case will be 'snippet-detail' and 'user-detail'.

如果我们有一个超链接 API, 我们需要确保命名 URL 模式。 看看哪些 URL 模式需要命名:

  • ‘user-list’ 和 'snippet-list'
  • snippet serializer包含的 'snippet-highlight'
  • user serializer包含的'snippet-detail'
  • snippet 和 user serializer 包含的 ‘url’ 域 默认 指向 ‘{model_name}-detail’,将其改成 'snippet-detail'和'user-detail'。

After adding all those names into our URLconf, our final 'urls.py' file should look something like this:

更改后的 urls.py 文件:

# API endpoints
urlpatterns = format_suffix_patterns(patterns('snippets.views',
name='user-detail')))# Login and logout views for the browsable API
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls',

Adding pagination

The list views for users and code snippets could end up returning quite a lot of instances, so really we'd like to make sure we paginate the results, and allow the API client to step through each of the individual pages.

users 和 snippets 可能返回很多内容,所有我们需要对结果进行分页,允许 API 客户端进行分页。

We can change the default list style to use pagination, by modifying our settings.py file slightly. Add the following setting:

我们更改默认的分页方式,在 settings.py 文件中加入:


Note that settings in REST framework are all namespaced into a single dictionary setting, named 'REST_FRAMEWORK', which helps keep them well separated from your other project settings.

We could also customize the pagination style if we needed too, but in this case we'll just stick with the default.

注意,REST 框架所有的设置被保存在  ‘REST_FRAMEWORK’ 的字典中,这样可以帮助我们区别于工程中的其他设置。我们也可以自定义分页方式,在这个例子中,我们只是使用默认的方式。

Browsing the API

If we open a browser and navigate to the browsable API, you'll find that you can now work your way around the API simply by following links.

You'll also be able to see the 'highlight' links on the snippet instances, that will take you to the highlighted code HTML representations.

如果打开浏览器,浏览 Web API,你会发现可以正常工作呢。同样可以看snippet实例的 ‘highlight’ 的链接,它会以 HTML 方式展现。

In part 6 of the tutorial we'll look at how we can use ViewSets and Routers to reduce the amount of code we need to build our API.

在第六章,我们将看到怎样使用 ViewSets和Routers 来减少API的代码。


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