
LIMIT offset,length

Limit子句可以被用于强制 SELECT 语句返回指定的记录数。Limit接受一个或两个数字参数。参数必须是一个整数常量。如果给定两个参数,第一个参数指定第一个返回记录行的偏移量,第二个参数指定返回记录行的最大数目。

//初始记录行的偏移量是 0(而不是 1):
  mysql> SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5,10; //检索记录行6-15   //为了检索从某一个偏移量到记录集的结束所有的记录行,可以指定第二个参数为 -1:
  mysql> SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 95,-1; // 检索记录行 96-last   //如果只给定一个参数,它表示返回最大的记录行数目。换句话说,LIMIT n 等价于 LIMIT 0,n:
  mysql> SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5; //检索前 5 个记录行



  SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE email=?;
  SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE email=? LIMIT 1;
  加上LIMIT 1,只要找到了对应的一条记录,就不会继续向下扫描了,效率会大大提高。



           select * from table limit 150000,1000;
           select * from table while id>=150000 limit 1000;


  注意,在sql语句中,limt关键字是最后才被处理的,是对查询好的结果进行分页。以下条件的处理顺序一般是:where->group by->having-order by->limit


当Limit和order by连用时,mysql只会产生offset+length的排序集,对于剩下的数据,mysql是不会再去进行排序的。mysql对limit做了许多类似优化,当offset很大的时候,这些优化要操作的信息就非常多,优化就会失效,所有性能就下降了。


  • If you select only a few rows with LIMIT, MySQL uses indexes in some cases when normally it would prefer to do a full table scan.

  • If you combine LIMIT row_count with ORDER BY, MySQL stops sorting as soon as it has found the first row_count rows of the sorted result, rather than sorting the entire result. If ordering is done by using an index, this is very fast. If a filesort must be done, all rows that match the query without the LIMIT clause are selected, and most or all of them are sorted, before the first row_count are found. After the initial rows have been found, MySQL does not sort any remainder of the result set.

    One manifestation of this behavior is that an ORDER BY query with and without LIMIT may return rows in different order, as described later in this section.

  • If you combine LIMIT row_count with DISTINCT, MySQL stops as soon as it finds row_count unique rows.

  • In some cases, a GROUP BY can be resolved by reading the index in order (or doing a sort on the index), then calculating summaries until the index value changes. In this case, LIMIT row_count does not calculate any unnecessary GROUP BY values.

  • As soon as MySQL has sent the required number of rows to the client, it aborts the query unless you are using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. In that case, the number of rows can be retrieved with SELECT FOUND_ROWS(). See Section 12.14, “Information Functions”.

  • LIMIT 0 quickly returns an empty set. This can be useful for checking the validity of a query. It can also be employed to obtain the types of the result columns within applications that use a MySQL API that makes result set metadata available. With the mysql client program, you can use the --column-type-info option to display result column types.

  • If the server uses temporary tables to resolve a query, it uses the LIMIT row_count clause to calculate how much space is required.

  • If an index is not used for ORDER BY but a LIMIT clause is also present, the optimizer may be able to avoid using a merge file and sort the rows in memory using an in-memory filesort operation. For details, see The In-Memory filesort Algorithm.

可以看到,无论是和order by 子句还是和group by子句联合使用,mysql都对limit操作的查询实行了懒惰策略,指要查询的结果达到了length,就不再据需往下操作了。但是由于offset的存在,使得mysql不得不使操作的数据行数达到offset+length,所以性能就下降了。


在使用limit之前,先对数据进行一定的处理,比如先用where语句,减少数据的总量之后再分页。或者order by子句用上索引。总之,思路就是优化limit操作对象的检索速度。

参考:LIMIT Query Optimization


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