一、 简述Josephus问题


二、 求解方法

 1.  约瑟夫问题如果使用链表来求解比较麻烦,这里采用循环队列的处理。


# 循环队列代码如下:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #define MAX 100 /* Maximum size of Queue */ typedef struct _Queue *Queue;
struct _Queue {
int A[MAX];
int Head, Tail;
int Num_of_Items;
}; /* Queue struct and pointer define */ void EnQueue( Queue Q, int x )
if ( Q->Num_of_Items < MAX ) {
/* Cycle Queue not full */
if ( Q->Num_of_Items == ) {
Q->Head = Q->Tail = ;
Q->A[] = x;
} else {
Q->Tail = (Q->Tail + ) % MAX; /* Tail insert */
Q->A[Q->Tail] = x;
} else {
printf("Warning: Full Queue!\n");
} int DeQueue( Queue Q )
if ( Q->Num_of_Items < ) {
/* empty queue */
printf("Warning: Empty Queue!\n");
} else {
int ret = Q->A[Q->Head];
Q->Head = (Q->Head + ) % MAX;
return ret;

# 循环队列解约瑟夫问题:

void JosephusByQueue()
_Queue Que;
Queue Q = &Que; /* initial */
//Queue Q = (Queue)malloc( sizeof(struct _Queue) );
Q->Num_of_Items = ; int i, j, n, answer;
printf("Enter an integer (1--99):");
scanf("%d", &n); /* Solve Josephus Problem */
/* Step 1: Put all the number between 1 to n to the Queue */
for ( i = ; i <= n; i++ ) {
EnQueue( Q, i);
} /* Step 2: Start killing for n-1 rounds */
for ( i = ; i < n; i++ ) {
j = DeQueue( Q ); /* first dequeue item */
DeQueue( Q );
EnQueue( Q, j );
} answer = Q->A[Q->Head]; /* the last item */
printf("The value of J(%d) is: %d\n", n, answer);

      2. 每次隔一个人就消灭掉一人,经过一圈,消灭一半,就等于累次除二。等价于二的幂相关问题。

      对于Josephus( N ):

        [1] 若N为二次幂(N = 2^M),M为幂次。从开始一圈消除偶数,再消除奇数,每次跳过起始的1,最终留下1。

        EX 1:    J( 8 ):    Green : start ,  Red:  delete 

        2  3  4  5  6  7  8    -->    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     -->     1   3   5   7 

      -->   1   3    5   7    -->     5    -->    1  5   -->   1

        [2] 若N为奇数,可化为(N = 2^M + K),先 消除K个人,即经历过2K个人后。又为偶数问题,留下的[ Last=2K+1 ]。

        EX 2:   J( 10 ) :  N = 10, M = 3, K = 2   -->   J( 10 ) = 2*k + 1 = 5



       公式: N = 2^M + K  , K= N - 2^M。    J( N ) = 2 *( N - 2^M ) + 1 


/* 数学解法:N = 2^M + K | Last = 2 *( N - 2^M ) + 1  */
void Josephus()
int i, n, m_prime, k;
printf("Enter an integer:");
scanf("%d", &n); i = ;
while ( i < n ) {
/* find the largest power of 2 that less than n */
i *= ;
m_power = i / ;
k = n - m_power;
printf("The remain one is %d!\n", ( * k + ));


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Method 1: Math solving\n");
Josephus(); printf("\nMethod 2: Queue solving\n");
return ;


[1]  中国大学MOOC-数据结构-台湾清华大学-04BasicDataStructure

[2]  2的幂在约瑟夫环问题的应用https://www.cnblogs.com/sirlipeng/p/5387830.html#undefined



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