1. Frist you need to install Development tools #yum groupinstall "Development Tools" 2. Get the  “squid 2.7 ” source.decompress it.  #wget http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.7/squid-2.7.STABLE9.tar.gz #tar -xzvf  squid-2.7.STABLE9.tar.gz 3. change directory to squid -2.7
root@xyz squid-2.7.STABLE9]# check configure options by #./configure -help 4. Select your configuration like ./configure --enable-gnuregex --enable-carp --with-pthreads --enable-heap-replacement --enable-icmp --enable-delay-pools  --enable-useragent-log --enable-htcp --with-openssl --enable-linux-netfilter  --disable-internal-dns --enable-auth=digest,ntlm,basic --enable-auth-baisc=PAM,NCSA,LDAP --enable-auth-basic=none --enable-basic-auth-helpers=PAM,NCSA,LDAP --enable-external-acl-helpers=unix_group,ldap_group --with-filedescriptors=8192 --enable-removal-policies=lru,heap 5.Make it. #make Installation for installation you need to have root privileges . # su
# make Install if you get it without errors congratulate yourself. and proceed to next step . Your default installation directory is #/usr/local/squid/ 6.post-Installation After compiling and installing squid, you should create the cache_dir, give it the rights permissions for the squid user/group and then run:

#/usr/sbin/squid -z
to initialize the cache_dir and create the necessary subdirs
If everything works as expected then try to start squid normally

7. Debug.

If you get any errors start squid in debug mode to get the errors on screen:
#/usr/sbin/squid -N -d 5


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