


 <%@ tag language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ include file="/webpage/include/taglib.jsp"%>
<%@ attribute name="id" type="java.lang.String" required="true"%>
<%@ attribute name="url" type="java.lang.String" required="true"%>
<%@ attribute name="title" type="java.lang.String" required="true"%>
<%@ attribute name="width" type="java.lang.String" required="false"%>
<%@ attribute name="height" type="java.lang.String" required="false"%>
<%@ attribute name="target" type="java.lang.String" required="false"%>
<%@ attribute name="label" type="java.lang.String" required="false"%>
<button class="btn btn-white btn-sm" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" onclick="edit()" title="修改"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> ${label==null?'修改':label}</button>
<%-- 使用方法: 1.将本tag写在查询的form之前;2.传入table的id和controller的url --%>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#${id} thead tr th input.i-checks').on('ifChecked', function(event){ //ifCreated 事件应该在插件初始化之前绑定
$('#${id} tbody tr td input.i-checks').iCheck('check');
}); $('#${id} thead tr th input.i-checks').on('ifUnchecked', function(event){ //ifCreated 事件应该在插件初始化之前绑定
$('#${id} tbody tr td input.i-checks').iCheck('uncheck');
}); }); function edit(){ var size = $("#${id} tbody tr td input.i-checks:checked").size();
if(size == 0 ){
top.layer.alert('请至少选择一条数据!', {icon: 0, title:'警告'});
} if(size > 1 ){
top.layer.alert('只能选择一条数据!', {icon: 0, title:'警告'});
var id = $("#${id} tbody tr td input.i-checks:checkbox:checked").attr("id");
openDialog("修改"+'${title}',"${url}?id="+id,"${width==null?'100%':width}", "${height==null?'100%':height}","${target}");


 <table:editRow url="${ctx}/samplingmanage/preparationManage/form" title="编辑" id="contentTable"></table:editRow><!-- 编辑按钮 -->


tag 类似JSP page指令,可以用于import常用的java类库等
include 导入其他的标签定义文件
taglib 使用其他标签,如jstl, spring tag, struts tag等等
attribute 定义一个属性
variable 定义一个jsp page中可见的变量,默认范围为NESTED,表示标签内有效。可选项有AT_BEGIN和AT_END


body-content 标签body的处理方式 ,可选项: 'empty', 'tagdependent' or 'scriptless'
import 导入使用的java类库
pageEncoding 设置页面编码
isELIgnored 是否忽略el表达式
dynamic-attributes 用于存储自定义属性的map,所谓的自定义属性指:未隐式申明的变量
language 使用的脚本语言,目前必须是java
display-name 标签名
small-icon for tools
large-icon for tools
description 标签作用描述
example informal description of how the tag is used


name 属性名
required true or false,是否是必须的
rtexprvalue true or false - 指定是否支持运行时表达式
type 值类型 - 默认是java.lang.String
fragment true or false - 值先传递给容器(false), 直接传给标签处理方法(true)
description 属性描述


name-given 变量名(标签使用时的变量名)
name-from-attribute Specifies the name of an attribute, whose value is the name of the variable that will be available in the calling JSP page. Exactly one of name-given or name-from-attribute must be supplied.
alias A locally scoped variable which will store the variable's value. Used only with name-from-attribute.
variable-class 变量类.默认是java.lang.String.
declare Indicates whether the variable is declared in the calling JSP page or tag file. Default is true. Not entirely clear what this means!
scope 变量范围,可选项 AT_BEGIN(标签后jsp page内有效), AT_END(标签后jsp page内有效) and NESTED. NESTED(默认,标签内有效)
description 变量描述


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