
Unit I Fast food

Model Answers:

Model 1

The pie chart shows the fast foods that teenagers prefer in the USA. In general, teenagers prefer hamburgers, pizza and French fries. Hamburgers are the most popular food of all, because they account for the largest proportion of the pie chart, at 33 percent. Pizza is the second most popular, and this makes up 26 percent of the total survey. Teenagers also like French fries, which ~ 22 percent of the chart. Only 9 and 7 percent of teenagers choose fried chicken and tacos respectively so they are less popular than the first three. The least popular fast food in this survey is sushi. Only 3 percent o] teenagers prefer this kind of food. (114 words)


Bold = comparatives and superlatives

Underline = useful graph word s

Italics = subjects

Font = topic sentence

Font = overview sentence

Model 2

The pie chart shows the beverages that high school students prefer in China. In general, students prefer soda, fruit Juice and mineral water. Soda is the most popular beverage of all, because it represents the largest proportion of the pie chart, at 30 percent. High school students also like fruit juice and mineral water, which make_~ 26% and 24% of the preferences respectively. Only 9 and 7 percent of high school students choose coffee and tea, so they are less popular than the first three. The least popular beverage in this survey is milk. This accounts for only 4 percent of high school students' preferences. (109 words )


Bold = comparatives and superlatives

Underline = useful graph word~

Italics = subjects

Font = topic sentence

Font = overview sentence

Model 3

The pie chart shows the kinds of fruit that primary school children prefer in New Zealand. In general, the two most popular fruits are bananas and strawberries. Bananas are the most popular fruit of all, because they make up the largest proportion of the pie chart, at 34 percent. Primary school students also like strawberries very much and they account for 27% of the preferences. Oranges and apples represent 15 and 14 percent of the chart respectively, so they are less popular than the first two. The least popular fruits in the survey are peaches and kiwi fruit. 7 percent of primary school children like peaches and only 3 percent choose kiwi fruit as their preferred fruit. (117 words)

Answers to Exercises:


a-popular; b-famous; c-famous, popular; d-popular,

famous; e-popular, popular, famous


a. French fries make up/represent/account for 26% of

fast food preferences.

b. Ice cream makes up/represents/accounts for the

biggest percentage of the pie chart.

c. Chips make up/represent/account for 55 % of the total.

d. Fried chicken makes up/represents/accounts for 15 %

of the survey.

e. Tacos make up/represent/account for 12 % of the total.

f. Sushi makes up/represents/accounts for the smallest

percentage of the fast food.


a. French fries are more popular than sushi.

b. Sushi is the least popular of the fast foods in the pie


c. Tacos are more popular than sushi, but less popular than

fried chicken.

d. Fried chicken is less popular than pizza.

e. Pizza is the second most popular fast food.

f. French fries are more popular than fried chicken.

g. Hamburgers are the most popular of the fast foods.

h. The third most popular fast food is French fries.

i. Tacos are less popular than fried chicken and French


j. Pizza is less popular than hamburgers, but more popular

than French fries.


a. Hamburgers are the most popular food of all.

b. Pizza is less popular than hamburgers.

c. Teenagers also like French fries

d. Only 9 and 7 percent of teenagers choose fried chicken

and tacos respectively.

e. The least popular fast food in this survey is sushi.


There are many possible answers. Here is one correct version.

Pizza is the most popular fast food with teenagers and it makes up 35% of the preferences. 23% of teenagers like hamburgers, which are less popular than pizza. The third most popular fast food, French fries make up 20% of the preference. Only 11% and 9% of teenagers choose sushi and fried chicken respectively. Tacos are the least popular fast food, with only 2% of teenagers choosing this kind.

Unit 2 Sport

Model Answers:

Model 1

Playing team sport is popular all over the world, and participation in sporting activities, for example, soccer or basketball, has many benefits. Firstly, sport promotes the development of the body and muscles and helps to keep the players fit. Secondly, thins increase in physical fitness enables players to avoid obesity and health problems, like heart disease and high blood

pressure. In addition, sports people develop useful group skills, such as teamwork and strategies. These skills can help them in their later lives and also in their jobs. Finally, people often play sport for social reasons, as it is a good way of making new friends and enjoying activities together. (110 words )


Bold = present tense verbs

Italics = subjects, countable

Underline = subjects, uncountable

Underline -- signpost words

Font = topic sentence

Model 2

Friendly 'business house' sport competitions are popular with workers who spend many hours at work each day. Participation in these weekly competitions has many benefits. Firstly, it helps to decrease the stress from working all day. Secondly, participants can increase their overall fitness and control their weight. In addition, weekly exercise enables workers to avoid

long term problems, for example heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Finally, playing a team sport together in a friendly competition enables the development of teamwork

and friendships that can help people in their work as well as when they are playing together. (100 words )


Underline -- signpost words

Italics = subjects, countable

Underline = subjects, uncountable

Model 3

Sports such as soccer and basketball are popular among high school students. There are lots of benefits to be gained from participation in team sports. Firstly, there are physical benefits, such as developing fitness and muscles. Secondly, playing a team sport can help to lower stress levels and in addition it can enable students to avoid later health problems such as heart disease or high blood pressure. Sports players can learn useful teamwork skills that will help them in their studies and later in their lives. Finally, playing team sports leads to the development of social skills, as students make friends and enjoy the support of their team. (108 words)

Answers to Exercises:


Bold = nouns

enable strategies activity disease

participation develop (ment) increase obesity

heart disease promote muscle avoid

fit skill social blood pressure

teamwork benefit health problems






e.g. activity (ies)

strategy (ies)

increase (s)

muscle (s)

skill (s)


benefit (s)

health problem (s)




blood pressure




a. (-) Participation in the company volleyball competition will be rewarded with anextrannual leave day.

b. Basic fitness includes such things as muscle control and (-) balance.

c. A lot of companies encourage the development of (-).teamwork by supporting friendly sporting competitions.

d. When you join this company, they ask you to choose

(a) sport for the weekly competition--either volleyball or indoor soccer.

e. (-) Promoting team sports is a good idea for companies.

f. Playing sports such as badminton and tennis is a good way of improving (-) fitness.

g. Strategic thinking is an example of (a) skill which is improved by playing team sports.

h. (-) Development of fitness is (a) result of playing team sports.


a. reasons

b. players, muscles, fitness

c. problems, diseases, pressure

d. skills, teamwork, strategies

e. spectators, sport

f. players, money

g. sport, competitions

Unit 3 Media

Model Answers:

Model 1

The bar graph shows the average science test scores of students in Grade 8 in relation to the hours they spend watching television. Overall, the students who watch less television have higher scores, and the average test score decreases as the number of viewing hours increases. The highest score of 80 is for students who usually watch one hour or less of television a day. The next highest score is approximately 79. This is for students who average two hours of television viewing. Students who watch no television and students who watch about 3 hours of television per day have a score of about 76. The lowest score of approximately 65 is for students who view six or more hours of television daily. (123words )


Bold = graph language

Underline = verbs

Italics = relative pronouns

Model 2

The bar graph shows how many hours Americans spend watching weekday television in relation to age group. Overall, the older age groups watch around twice as much weekday

television as the younger groups, and the viewing time increases with age. The figure is around two hours for the two younger age groups, 15 to 24 and 25 to 34, but decreases

slightly to around 1.8 average hours for the viewers who are 35 to 44. The viewing time is slightly higher for the 45 to 54 age group, at about 2.1 hours, and increasers to 2.6 hours for the people who are 55 to 64 years old. People who are in the age group 65 watch approximately 3.7 hours of television a day. (120 words)


Bold= graph language

Underline. = verbs

Italics = relative pronouns

Model 3

The bar graph shows the percentage of people who say they cannot live without their television in relation to age group. Overall, fewer people who are young say they need their television. In the 18 to 26 age group, the figure is only around 18 percent of people. Less than 25% of people who are in the 27 to 40 age group say they cannot live without their television. As people get older, they say they need their television more, with about 33 percent of 41 to 50 year olds and approximately 36% of 51 to 61 year olds saying they cannot live without their television. The highest figure, around 44 percent, is for people in the over 62 age group. (121 words)

Answers to Exercises:

































a. This graph shows the test scores of primary school children in relation to the hours they spend doing homework.

b. This graph shows the IELTS scores of Chinese students in relation to the amount of English TV they watch.

c. This graph shows the fitness test scores of high school students in relation to the time they spend playing sport.


Key: bold = nouns, _underline = verbs, italics = adjectives

a. The students in the advanced science class average four hours of television per day.

b. The magic show lasted for two hours.

c. There was a decrease in test scores over the period.

d. The students view six hours of television each day.

e. The bar graphs show the average score of students in my class.

f. The average test scores in the class decrease each year.

g. My friend always scores highly in this test.

h. The view from my window is very beautiful.

i. Researchers test students to find out if television viewing affects performance.

j. Scores decrease as television viewing rises.


a. less; b. much; c. Fewer;

d. Many; e. a lot of


a. The students who watch no television have an average score of 76.

b. The people who are in the 65 to 74 age group watch more television.

c. People who play a lot of sport generally watch less television.

d. Those people who watch a lot of English TV often have good spoken English skills and clear pronunciation.

e. Students in my class who try to speak English all the time improve their speaking quickly.

Unit 4 Youth Issues: Computer Use

Model Answers:

Model 1

Playing computer games for a long time, either individually or with friends, causes a lot of problems. One major issue is the tendency for people to play for hours and neglect their studies. If they stay up very late, they will have trouble getting up in the morning for school or work. Another issue is the lack of exercise because the players spend so much time sitting down. If teenagers waste a lot of time playing on the computer and do no exercise, this can lead to health and obesity problems. In addition, spending hours using the console controls and repetitive movements many times can cause eye strain or muscle problems. (112 words)


Underline = two-verb phrases with -ing

Bold = cause and effect linking words

Italics = referencing pronouns

~ = words the referencing pronouns refer to

Model 2

Spending a lot of time on the internet can cause a lot of problems for young people. One major problem is the tendency for people to spend time posting photos and personal information on social networking sites such as My Space or Xiaonei. If they" do this, it can lead to privacy issues , because this information is available to people all over the world. Another issue is adults pretending to be teenagers so they can make contact with young people through these sites. If the ~ meet these adults, they will have a lot of problems. Finally, wasting a lot of time playing on the internet can cause health problems due to lack of exercise. (114 words)


Underline = two - verb phrases with -ing

Bold = cause and effect linking words

italics = referencing pronouns

~ = words the referencing pronouns refer to

Model 3

Unrestricted access to the internet can lead to a lot of problems for young people. One major problem is the tendency for some young people to become addicted to surfing the net and to

spend many hours on their computer instead of doing other things. If they do this, it can lead to social problems. For example, internet chatting or gaming does not lead to the

development of the social skills that we all need in our lives to help us to get along with other people and to make friends. Another issue is that spending hours playing on the computer

may cause health problems in young people because they are not doing the exercise that they need to develop their bodies and muscles. (124 words )

Answers to Exercises:


a. can cause/lead to; b. can be due to; c. can be due to;

d. can cause/lead to; e. can cause/lead to

Unit 5 Education: Study Abroad

Model Answers:

Model 1

The table illustrates the number of students from four different countries (a) who attended tertiary institutions in a western country in 2000 and 2005. Overall, the number of international students (a) ~ slightly over this five-year period and, in particular there was a significant decrease in numbers from China ( d ), although China still remained the largest group. There was a fourfold rise in Brazilian student enrolments. (c) In 2000, the number of students who came from China (b), at 35,000, was more than twice the number of Indian students (e ), at 15,000. Smaller numbers came from Japan and Brazil, at 6,000 and 2,000 respectively. In 2005, the proportion of students ( a ) changed considerably. Chinese student numbers (c) decreased to 22,000, but there was a dramatic increase in the number of Brazilian students, (e) which went from 2,000 to 8,000. Indian student numbers (c) stayed mostly unchanged, at 16,000 and there was a small decrease in the number of Japanese students, (e) from 6,000 in 2000 to 4,000 in 2005.


Bold = subjects (including relative pronouns and there was/were)

Italics = noun phrases (letters beside refer to Exercise 12)

Underline = past tense verbs

Model 2

The table illustrates the number of immigrants from four different countries (a) who came to live in Australia in 1995 and in 2005. Overall the number of immigrants (a) rose slightly over this ten-year period and, in particular, there was a significant increase in immigration from New Zealand (d), which had the largest number of arrivals in 2005. There was a big drop in South Korean immigration (c) over this time. In 1995, the number of immigrants who came from Britain (b), at 4, 500, was larger than any other group. 3, 500 immigrants came from New Zealand, and smaller numbers from China and South Korea (d) at 1, 500 and 800 respectively. In 2005, British immigrant numbers (c) decreased to 3,500, but there was a significant rise in the number of New Zealanders (e) which went from 3, 500 to 5, 100. Chinese immigrant numbers (c) stayed mostly unchanged, at 1, 600, but there was a significant decrease in the number of South Korean immigrants ( e ), from 800

in 1995 to 300 in 2005.


Bold = subjects (including relative pronouns and 'there was/were' )

Italics = noun phrases (letters beside refer to Exercise 12)

Underline = past tense verbs

Model 3

The table illustrates the number of new cars sold in the USA in 2000 and 2005 and the four major countries that they came from. In general, there was a slight decrease in the number of

cars sold over the period and, in particular, in the number of American cars: In 2000, the largest number of cars sold in the USA was locally produced American cars, at 4.2 million. 2.2 million Japanese cars were sold, and smaller numbers from South Korea and Germany, at 1.2 million and 0.2 million respectively. In 2005, his changed significantly. The number of American cars dropped considerably, to 2.6 million, and there was a significant rise in the number of Japanese cars sold, at 3.4 million. Sales of South Korean cars stayed unchanged, at 1.1 million, and there was a small increase in German cars, to 0.3 million in 2005.

Answers to Exercises:


Base form


Other verb




e.g. illustrate































Noun endings Adjective endings

~ -ion (illustration) ~ -ive (illustrative)

~ -ance (attendance) ~ -able(considerable )

~ -ment (enrolment) ~ -ing (remaining)

~ -der (remainder) ~ -ed (enrolled)


Possible Answers:

a. In general the number of sheep increased, and in particular in 1990.

b. Overall, the price of grain stayed unchanged, and in particular, corn and wheat prices stayed stable from 2000 to 2005.

c. In general, the population grew, and in particular the number of children from 10-15 years old.

d. Overall, the price of computers dropped and in particular, PC and laptop prices fell significantly.

e. In general, the percentage of full time workers fell, and in particular, in the years from 1980 to 1990.


Possible Answers:

a. This table illustrates the number of students who attended tertiary institutions in 2008. Most students came from Australia, but there was also a significant number of students from China.

b. This pie chart shows the percentage of teenagers who bought different kinds of electronic equipment in 2007. Overall, the mobile phone was the most popular choice, but MP3 players were nearly as popular.

c. This bar chart shows the test scores of male and female students over three time periods. In general, male students got/gained higher scores in all periods, but the women's scores increased in the final time period, although they did not reach the men's total.

d. This bar graph illustrates the sales of luxury cars from the years 2000-2008. Overall, the number of Lexus cars sold was the highest in this period, although Mercedes and BMW were also very popular.

e. This line graph shows pollution levels in three major cities between the years 2000 and 2008. Overall, pollution was highest in 2008, though it decreased to some extent in Beijing in that year.

Unit 6 Advertising

Model Answers:

Model 1

The bar chart shows the respective amounts of money in thousands of dollars spent on different types of advertising by two companies--Acme and Famous. Overall, Acme spent more on advertising than Famous. Both companies spent the most money on television promotion, with Acme spending $250,000 while Famous spent $200,000. Acme spent the second highest amount on newspaper advertising, at approximately $125,000, whereas Famous spent only about $75,000 on this type. In contrast, Famous spent twice as much on the Internet as Acme, at $100,000 and $50,000 respectively. Both companies spent the least money on billboard promotions, at about $25,000 each. (101 words)


Underline = 'respectively'

Bold = comparing words

Italics = quantifying phrases

Font : contrast

Model 2

The bar chart shows the amounts of money in thousands of Euros spent on different types of sponsorship by two/ companies--Awesome and Best. Overall, Best spent morel money on sponsorship than Awesome. Both companies spent the most money on sports sponsorship, with Best spending 500,000 Euros whereas Awesome spent 400,000. Best spent twice as much money as Awesome on charities, at 200,000 and 100,000 respectively, in contrast, Awesome spent 200,000 on scholarships, while Best spent only 150,000 in this area. Both companies spent the least money on arts and culture sponsorship, at approximately 50,000 Euros on this type. (100words)


Underline = 'respectively'

Bold = comparing words

Italics = quantifying phrases

Font -- contrast

Model 3

The bar chart shows the places where advertisements for popular sportswear company were first seen. Overall, mo~ people in the older age group saw the advertisement on television while most people in the younger age group saw it on the internet for the first time. In the under-45 group, 20,000 people saw the advertisement for the first time on the internet, followed by 12,500 who saw it in the newspapers. The same number of people aged under 45 saw it on television as on billboards, at 10,000. Twice as many people over the age of 45 saw the advertisement on television as on billboards, at 25,000 and 12,500 respectively. Fewer people in that age group saw the sportswear advertisement in newspapers and on the internet 7,500 and 5,000 respectively. (135 words)

Answers to Exercises:


categories, criteria, currencies, discrepancies, data, formulae, media


a. categories; b. types; c. advertising; d. Billboard; e. budget;

f. currencies; g. in relation to; h. respectively, advertising


There are several correct answers. Here is one correct answer for each sentence.

a. Microsafe spent less on TV advertising than Applex, at $2 million and $3 million respectively.

b. Acme spent more of its budget on internet promotion than Famous, at 33% and 25% respectively.

c. Nyke spent more than Cougar on billboard advertising; at $800,000 and $700,000 respectively.

d. Awesome and Best spent a quarter and a half of their budgets respectively on magazine advertising.

e. Kayfes spent twice as much as McDonells on newspaper advertisements, at $2 million and $1 million respectively.


a. more money than

b. less time than

c. bigger

d. less money on charities than

e. more, than, less

f. most effective

g. least expensive/cheapest

h. the fewest


a. twice as much

b. three times as much

c. twice as many

d. Three times as many

e. five times as much


Any of the contrast linking words can be used. Note: while and whereas join the two sentences together. Conversely and In contrast are at the beginning of the second sentence in each example.

Unit 7 Education: Schools

Model Answers:

Model 1

Single-sex high schools help to produce better students because there are fewer distractions in these kinds of schools than in co-educational schools. Nowadays, students are learning more than ever before, and while they are trying to understand all this new knowledge, they do not need distractions. If boys and girls are studying together, they may become more focused on each other and not concentrate on the lesson. For example, a male student might be more interested in impressing a female peer than listening to the teacher; similarly, female students might get into arguments over popular boys, or spend their time discussing the boys in their class instead of listening to the teacher. If high schools are single sex, these kinds of distractions can be reduced. (128 words )


Bold = present continuous

Italics = ' if" sentences

Underline = topic sentence

Model 2

On the other hand, co-ed schools have some advantages for. teenagers because they offer the opportunity to learn important social skills. If young people only interact with their same sex peers, they may not feel comfortable in mixed company when they go to university. For example, they may never learn how to talk easily to the opposite sex, and they might do some

very foolish things when they first start to study with the opposite sex. While they are learning at university, they need to focus on their study. If they are socialising with the opposite sex for the first time at university, they may be distracted and they may neglect their studies and focus on their social life instead. (120words )


Italics = ' if' sentences with modals

Underline = topic sentence

Model 3

Co-educational schools are good for developing the social skills of both sexes. If they attend schools together, students can find out about the differences between men's and women's ideas and attitudes when they are discussing issues in class. If they go out in groups at the weekends, they can become comfortable with each other and learn that men and

women share many similar ideas. If they go to school together, students may become better prepared for the adult world outside school. In the workplace, it is important for men and women to understand and communicate with each other, and co-educational school is a good place to learn the skills needed for this. (115 words)

Answers to Exercises:


One possible answer: distract, distraction, distracted

focus, focus, focused

concentrate, concentration

reduce, reduction, reduced

know, knowledge


a. are spending; b. helps, are having; c. are working,

distract; d. are focusing; e. is concentrating; f. reduce; g. are

choosing; h. are teaching


a. Playing team sports teaches about co-operation, and being a member of a team can build social skills. Team members must pass the ball to each other, so they must learn to co-operate, .and if they don't pass at the right time, their whole team can lose the game. In addition, members of a team must learn to play together even if they disagree or don't like each other very much. Finally, team members often become good friends and they build close relationships with each other while they are playing together.

b. Internet addiction is a very serious problem, and it has many unfortunate consequences. For example, addicts may spend hours playing games or chatting, and they may begin to neglect their friends and their work or study. If they play for many hours at night, they lose sleep, and this can also affect their health. Other health problems include eye strain, poor fitness and even obesity because of the lack of exercise.

c. Restricting car traffic in the city can make it very difficult for some people to do their daily work. For example, moving quickly to meetings is very important for businessmen, and if they have no car this could create problems for them. In addition, it is important for disabled people or for families with young children to access city services and they should be able to drive their cars to the places where they need to go. Thus, limiting the use of cars could create real inconvenience for some citizens.

Unit 8 Environment

Model Answers:

Model 1

The graph shows the birds population in Europe, measured in millions, for the years 1977 to 2001, in three-yearly intervals. Overall, the graph shows the population decreased over time. In 1977, the population was 120 million birds. The increased to a peak of about 126 million in 1980, and then dropped sharply over the next six years to approximately 98 million in 1986./t then rose significantly to about 105 million in 1989. It fell sharply over the next three years to about 95 million in 1992 and remained relatively stable after that at between 96 and 90 million birds. The graph shows a trend of a gradual decrease in the number of birds since 1995. (116 words)


Underline = in x-yearly intervals

Bold = verbs

Italics = pronoun reference

Model 2

The graph shows carbon dioxide emissions, measured in millions of tons of carbon, for the years 1990 to 2004 in two-yearly intervals. Overall, the graph shows the quantity of emissions increased steadily over the fifteen years. In 1990 emissions were around 6,000 million tons of carbon. They increased slightly in 1992 to about 6,200 million tons, and then dropped back to the previous level in 1994. They climbed sharply for two years to approximately 6,500 million tons in 1996. They remained stable for two years, and then rose steadily over the next four years to nearly 7,000 million tons in 2002. They then rose sharply over the following two years to a peak of 7,700 million tons in 2004. (119 words )


Bold = past tense verbs

Italics = pronoun reference

Model 3

The graph shows the average global sea level increase, measured in millimetres, for the years 1997 to 2005. Overall the graph shows the sea level increased steadily over the nine

years shown. In 1997, the sea level rose around 4.8 millimetres. It increased slightly the following year to nearly 5 ram. It remained stable for a year then climbed steadily for three

years to approximately 18 millimetres in 2002. It rose slightly to 20 millimetres in 2003. The sea level increased to approximately 23 millimetres in 2004. It then rose steeply to about 29 millimetres in 2005. (97 words)

Model 4

The graph shows carbon dioxide emissions measured in millions of tons of carbon, for West and East, for the years 1988 to 2006 in three-yearly intervals. Overall, the graph shows that over the period the West emitted far more carbon than the East. However, over the eighteen year period, the East Significantly increased emissions, while the West remained relatively stable. In 1988, emissions for the East were around 1,800 million tons Of carbon. They remained stable for the next three years and then rose to just over 2,000 million tons in 1994, before dropping back to previous levels over the next three years.They then climbed sharply from 1,800 million tons in 1997 to 4,000 million tons in 2006. In contrast, the West had a far higher emission rate in 1988, of 4,000 million tons of carbon. This dropped slightly over the next three years and then rose slightly to just over 4,000 million tons, where it stayed until 2003. The rate then climbed to a high of approximately 4,800 tons in 2006.

Answers to Exercises:

NB: words separated by/are both possible answers.



a. Limiting the number of cars makes it easier to get around.

b. It is important to conserve our petrol resources by using public transport.

c. Travelling by public transport makes it difficult to carry a lot of luggage.

d. It is very difficult to move around the city if there is a lot of traffic congestion. (if clause can go at the beginning )

e. Getting from one place to another by public transport is easy.

f. Traffic congestion in the city makes it very difficult to get from place to place. (in the city can also go at the end of the sentence)

g. It is possible to reduce congestion by building underground motorway networks.

h. Having too many cars makes it impossible to keep our city air clean.

i. It is difficult to predict the result of limiting cars in the inner city.


Having too many cars in the inner city makes it difficult to get around. Limiting the number of cars makes it possible to travel faster from place to place, but this has some problems too. For example, it is important for disabled people to access some services, and if cars are limited this makes it harder for them to do this. In addition, requiring businessmen to use public transport makes it harder for them to do their work efficiently. However, it is important to control air pollution, and restricting car traffic makes it easier to do this. It is also important to reduce congestion, and limiting cars is one way to make this possible.


significantly, sharply, slight, steady, gradually, quickly


a. similar; b. similar; c. different; d. different; e. different f. similar.


a. fell; b. significantly; c. steady; d. dropped sharply; e. re-mained; f. gradually

8. a. The graph shows the school population for the years 1990 to 2005 in five-yearly intervals.

b. The graph shows the number of cars sold for the year 2001 to 2009 in two-yearly intervals.

c. The graph shows greenhouse gas emissions for the years 1980 to 2004 in four-yearly intervals.


a. reg, increased; b. irreg, fell; c. reg, climbed; d. irreg, grew;

e. reg, remained; f. irreg, rose


a. was; b. were; c. were; d. was; e. was; f. were; g. was


a. These figures show changes in the environment. They are for the last five years.

b. The environment is important to everyone. We all need it to survive.

c. Cars use fossil fuels. They also create air pollution.

d. The hole in the ozone layer is caused by chemicals in the air. It is getting bigger.

e. The number of species in the world is unknown. But it is decreasing.

f. The birds in Europe are dying. Scientists can help them.


Rapid population growth during the twentieth century caused a lot of environmental damage. It put a lot of pressure on land and other natural resources such as energy and water. It also created problems such as pollution, changing weather patterns and the loss of many species of plants, birds and animals. These died because urban development and agriculture destroyed their habitat. They can not be brought back. Towards the end of the 1990s, scientists realised that the world was getting warmer. They now believe that this is due to air pollution caused by industrial development, planes and vehicles.

Unit 9 Food

Model Answers:

Model 1

One way to increase food production is for people to eat grain such as barley, oats or maize instead of feeding it to animals. More food is produced when farmers grow crops instead of animals on their land. While animals constantly need a lot of grass or grain, water, and space in which to move, crops need only water and fertilizer. Also, it costs money to turn the grain into meat, by feeding it to animals and then killing the animals. Therefore, the food yield per unit of land is far greater with crops than with animals. Another way to increase food production is by improving the technology that farmers use. Firstly, better methods for irrigating land need to be developed. In countries which have little or no rain, such as parts of Africa, improved irrigation could lead to a big increase in food production. Secondly, if better seeds are developed, this could lead to stronger and healthier plants, which would provide more food yield per unit of land. (169 words)


Underline = passive

Bold = gerunds

Model 2

One way to promote a healthy diet is by educating people about the dangers of unhealthy eating. If people are taught that processed foods are high in salt, fat and sugar, they might choose healthier meals and snacks. Educating people about the problems of eating too much processed food could lead to better eating habits. While it is important to educate adults schoolchildren should be the main target for education because they are young and their bodies are still growing. Another way is by promoting healthy food. Firstly, the packaging on healthy foods should be marked to show that it is friendly, with a tick or a smiley face, and the ingredients of foods could be shown very clearly on the packaging. This would help people to choose healthy options when they are buying their daily food. Secondly, the government could help by making healthy food cheaper, so people could afford to buy the food which is good for them. (160 words )


Underline -- passive

Bold = gerund

Italics = while or whereas

Font = topic sentence

Model 3

One way that governments can encourage people to eat healthy food and stay fit is by educating children while they are very young. If physical education and healthy eating are subjects in the primary school curriculum, young people will learn from an early age the value of a strong, fit and healthy body. Food companies can also educate the public by promoting more natural food, rather than processed food, and by labeling their healthy food products clearly with a list of ingredients. Another way that people can be encouraged to eat a healthy diet is for the government to remove all taxes from natural, unprocessed foods and to tax highly processed foods. By doing this, the government will make the choice of what to buy simple and easy--the cheapest option is the healthiest one! (135 words)

Answers to Exercises:

NB: Words separated by/are both possible answer.


shortage; solving; increasing; production; irrigation;

improved; solution; grow; increase; produced; people


a. is produced; b. are given; c. is used; d. is, increased ;e. are improved


be improved; be increased; provide; are supplied; change; grow; are grown; increases

Unit10 Censorship


Censorship of TV programmes is essential for some young viewers. Protection from violence is very important so that we can keep our children safe. Violent TV programmes can influence our children and can make them disturbed and give them nightmares. For this reason, parents need to give consideration to the programmes that their children watch, and carefully select appropriate programmes for them. However, imaginary violence is probably less harmful than real violence, so cartoon images may be appropriate for most children.


a. Children could be disturbed by watching violent programmes on television.

b. Violent images in the news media may cause children to have nightmares.

c. Exposure to disturbing scenes can negatively influence children's behaviour.

d. Surfing the Internet could increase children's exposure to violent images.

e. Children might copy violent programmes on TV.

f. Children can be affected by violent TV programmes.

g. Police dramas can show scenes of violence, and this could cause nightmares for some children.

h. Cartoons can be violent, but this may not affect children the way that real violence does.

i. The internet contains many inappropriate sites, and these could have a bad effect on children.

j. We may be able to protect our children from being disturbed if we censor their TV watching.


a. (Frequently,) Late night television programmes (frequently) contain scenes of violence and negative behaviour.

b. (Generally) Younger children (generally) require parental supervision when watching rental movies at home.

c. Some children may be adversely affected by violent TV programmes.

d. (Often) News footage on television these days is (often) uncensored for violence.

e. (Sometimes) Modern computer games (sometimes) contain scenes of graphic violence.

f. Most parents censor their children's TV programmes,but some do not.

g. (On the whole), watching TV is not bad for children (on the whole), as long as they do not watch too much.

h. Parents frequently complain that their children watch too much TV, but (often) they (often) do not restrict their viewing hours.

i. (Occasionally), Children can (occasionally) be deeply disturbed by something they have watched and this can even cause nightmares.

j. Generally speaking, Violent TV is not a good choice for most children.


a. In particular

b. For this reason; As a result

c. First

d. For example

e. Furthermore; In addition

f. Finally

g. Yet; However


If children watch the TV news they could be deeply disturbed by the violence that they see. As a result, they might have nightmares, or start to behave violently towards other children. In particular, they might begin to hit their little brothers or sisters. In addition/Furthermore, they could become quiet and moody at home, or become scared of going out into the street. However, the violence from cartoons or fantasy programmes is generally less disturbing for most children. For this reason, parents are advised to censor real violence and to decide about exposure to imaginary violence according to the nature of their individual child. Finally, the most important factor for children is how their family and friends behave. If they live in a close and loving family, on the whole they are unlikely to behave violently.

Unit 11 Transport

Model 3

Recently, the number of cars in the inner city has grown significantly, and this has led to many problems with parking in inner city areas. Some countries have tried to solve this problem by building car parks around the inner city and providing public transport to take people into the central business district. This approach has both advantages and disadvantages for commuters. Making car parks around the city can greatly reduce the number of cars in the city and make it much easier for people to travel long distances to work. They can drive their cars part way to work and then catch public transport to take them into the inner city area. This avoids waiting in long traffic jams, and also reduces or eliminates parking problems. In addition, it could be cheaper for drivers to take public transport than to pay high inner city parking fees.

However, this plan needs to be carefully managed if it is going to be effective. If many people use this system it could be a good idea, but if only a few people use it, it could be costly to set up and not very effective in reducing congestion. Therefore, public transport needs to be cheap, efficient and fast, so that it is quick and economical for drivers to get into the city and to their workplaces. Secondly, there need to be sufficient car parks on the outskirts of the city so that businessmen and other commuters can easily find a park.

In conclusion, making car parks around the city has some advantages for drivers, but it needs to be well planned and managed if it is to be effective. We all need to work together to reduce fossil fuel emissions and to make the inner city a more pleasant place to live and work. (302 words)


a. The number of international students coming to Western countries has increased greatly in recent years. There are currently around 35,000 international students in New Zealand alone. This has led to many changes in education systems around the world. Chinese education has begun to become more westernized, and, in turn, western education has been forced to change to some extent to meet the needs of Asian students.

b. Air pollution has become an increasingly serious problem around the world. Asthma and other respiratory problems are caused by this form of pollution. The problem has worsened because the number of cars in developed countries has grown, and also there has been an increase in industrial air pollution from factories and other sources.

c. In the past thirty years, China has become an increasingly industrialised country. There are now many more factories in China and industrial cities have grown fast. This has resulted in an increase in living standards for many Chinese people. For example, more Chinese people own cars, and live in modern buildings in big cities. The use of technology has also increased and now millions of Chinese have access to the Internet and cell phones.


A. 2, 1, 3; B. 3, 2,1; C 2,1, 3

Unit 12 Leisure Activities

Model 3

The pie chart shows the seven different leisure activities of girls at the University of Southern Utopia as a percentage of total participation. Overall, the most popular activities are spending time with friends and shopping which, at 25 per cent and 20 per cent respectively, making up nearly half of the participation rate. The third most popular activity is playing sport, with a 15 per cent participation rate. Going out to nightclubs and going to the cinema follow, both at 12.5 percent. The least favourite leisure activities are listening to music and chatting on the Internet, both with only a 7.5 per cent participation rate. (106 words )


do athletics, do swimming,play baseball, play basketball, play soccer, play tennis, play volleyball


In western high schools, some subjects, such as maths and language, are compulsory, but there are also many elective subjects. Participation in some kind of optional subject is required at most schools. At Smith High School, a larger percentage of students prefer playing soccer to basketball. However, at Jones High School, performance activities are more popular than sports, and 65% percent of students do drama and music. Of the population of 1,300 students at Mary High School, the largest percentage of students prefers team sports as theft option, whereas at Frank High School, this is reversed and 55 percent choose individual sports such as tennis/athletics/swimming rather than team sports. At both schools, basketball attracts a significant percentage of students.


In English we use the word percentage with comparative words. For example, we say, "A larger percentage of students prefer soccer to basketball." Or, "The highest percentage of students do drama." We use percent with numbers. For example, we say "65 percent of students prefer soccer and 55 percent prefer basketball".


a. The pie chart shows the Chinese GDP as a percentage of global wealth.

b. The pie chart shows the six major causes of death in New Zealand as a percentage of New Zealand mortality statistics.

c. The pie chart shows sales of tobacco and alcohol products as a percentage of total retail sales in the year 2006.

d. The pie chart shows the number of cars, buses, trucks and bicycles on the road as a percentage of vehicular traffic in China.

e. The pie chart shows five major import areas as a percentage of total imports to Australia.


a. Shopping is the most popular leisure time activity.

b. Drama is the least popular option.

c. Eating in restaurants is the least popular leisure time activity.

d. Watching TV is the most popular leisure time activity.

e. Badminton is the most popular sport.


a. Skiing is the most popular sport.

b. Rugby is the second most popular sport.

c. Basketball is the third most popular sport.

d. Badminton is the second least popular sport.

e. Hockey is the least popular sport.


Soccer is the most popular sport, with 30% participation. Basketball is the second most popular sport, at 25%. Tennis is the third most popular sport, with a participation rate of 15%. Volleyball and swimming together are the second least popular sports, with only 12.5 participation each. The least popular sport is athletics, with a participation rate of 10%.


a. shows; b. make up; c. share; d. attract

Unit 13 Technology


Base form verb















































a. The process of making a cake has several stages.

b. In the first stage, butter and sugar are whipped together until they are soft and creamy.

c. Then eggs are added to the mixture.

d. After that, flour and baking powder are mixed in and maybe some flavour such as chocolate or raisins is added (is agrees with flavour---uncountable ).

e. In the third stage, the tin for baking the cake is prepared, and the cake mix is poured into the tin.

f. The tin is put into the oven.

g. The cake is baked for 30 minutes to one hour.

h. Finally, it is left to cool and then eaten. Yum!


The process of making Chinese dumplings has several stages. In the first stage/First, flour and water are mixed together to make a dough, and this is kneaded for several minutes. Then the dough is formed/made into balls and is rolled out to make circles. In the next stage, the filling is made. Vegetables and meat are chopped and spices are added to make a tasty mix-(ture). The dough circles are filled with the mixture and then they are sealed with a little water. Finally, they are boiled in a pot of water and then eaten. They are very delicious!


a. The flour and water are kneaded for a few minutes to make the dough smooth and shiny.

b. The ice-cream is put into boxes to be sold in shops.

c. The mixture is whipped with giant paddles to prevent ice crystals from forming.

d. Chocolate is added to the mix to make it taste very good.

e. The mix is heated to 70 C for twenty seconds to paste-urise it and to kill the bacteria.

f. Sugar and eggs are beaten together to introduce air into the cake and to make the eggs stiff and shiny.

g. The water is boiled for ten minutes to kill the germs and bacteria that may be present.

h. The ice cream is stored in the freezer to prevent it from melting and deteriorating.

Unit 14 Money and Finance

Model 3

The line graph shows the average price of a TV set in Utopia in dollars over several decades from the 1940s, and forecasts to the 2020s. Overall, TV prices dropped sharply in the twenty years from the 1950s to the 1970s, and then rose again. It is predicted that they will level off in the future. Average prices started at $500 in the 1940s and in the next ten years there was a sharp rise to a peak of $2,500 in the 1950s. Prices then dropped dramatically back to $500 over the next twenty years, and this was followed by a steady rise back to approximately $2,000 in the 2000s. It is predicted that prices will climb slightly for the next ten years, and then drop back to the $2,000 level in the 2020s. (134 words)

Model 4

The graph shows average international phone call prices for two countries, Atlantis and Utopia, over five-yearly intervals from 1990, with predictions to 2015. In general, Utopia has always had much higher prices for international calls than Atlantis, and this is forecast to continue to 2015, although prices in both countries will continue to drop. In 1990, the average price for a phone call in Utopia was approximately $2.30 a minute and this dropped slightly to $2 by 1995. It remained steady at around this price until 2005, when it began to drop. This drop is forecast to continue to an average of $1.60 a minute by 2010 and to $1.50 by 2015. In contrast, in Atlantis, the average price in 1990 was around $1.30 and this rose slightly to $1.40 over the next five years, before falling significantly to around 80 cents in 2000. This drop continued over the next five years, and in 2005 the average price was around 40 cents. It is forecast that the price will continue to drop steadily to around 10 cents a minute in 2015.


Here are some possibilities. There are many more.



Adjectives for

describing change











5 yearly interval








yen, pesos, etc




ninety-five; two thousand; forty; three million; ninety-five;thousand; nineteen; seventy-two.

Useful Words for Describing Graphs

The chart shows blueberry production in kilograms per year.

The chart shows egg prices in euros per dozen.

The chart shows the price of gold in pounds sterling per ounce.

The chart shows population in millions per city.


a. In 2004, there was a slight increase in the cost of oil to $26 per barrel.

b. House prices climbed moderately in 2007.

c. Oil prices fell significantly over the next two years.

d. There was a slight drop in enrolments at university last year.

e. House prices increased dramatically over a twenty year period.

f. There was a steady rise in beef prices for two years to reach a peak of $22 per kilo.

g. There was a sudden drop in the cost of a house in 1992.

h. Gold prices rose dramatically last month, from $700 to $900 per ounce.


a. rose/increased/climbed slightly

b. sudden/dramatic decrease/drop/fall

c. rose/increased/climbed steadily

d. slight drop/fall/decrease

e. rose/climbed/increased steadily/moderately

f. steady/moderate increase/rise/climb

g. sudden/dramatic drop/fall/decrease

h. rosed/increased/climbed


There are several possible answers. Here is a model for each one.

a. The chart shows gold prices in five-yearly intervals starting from 1995, with future predictions to 2020. It is forecast that prices will fall until 2020.

b. The chart shows population in decade intervals from 1981, with a forecast to 2030. It is predicted that the population will remain steady until 2030.

c. The chart shows net immigration in yearly intervals from 2005, with future predictions to 2020. It is forecast that there will be a slight rise until 2020.

d. The chart shows GDP in five-yearly intervals from 2000, with future predictions until 2020. It is predicted that GDP will rise until 2015 and then there will be a drop thereafter.

e. The chart shows house prices in two-yearly intervals from 2005, with a forecast to 2015. It is forecast that there will be a steady fall in prices until this time.

f. The chart shows the CPI from 2000 in five-yearly intervals, with a forecast to 2020. It is predicted that the CPI will fall slightly in the future.

g. The chart shows cell phone sales in yearly intervals from Jan 2005 with a forecast until 2010. There will be a dramatic rise in prices until 2010.

h. The chart shows oil prices in two-yearly intervals starting from 2008, with predictions to 2018. There will be a steady rise in prices in the future to 2018.


a. in; b. for; c. before; d. After; e. Over; f. in; g. In, to, before; h. During; i. for; j. any of the listed prepositions of time could go in this gap, but of course the meaning changes accordingly.

Unit 15 Youth Issues


a. caused by; lead to/cause

b. reason for; lead to/cause

c. because; as a result

d. Because

e. reason for;

f. As a result

g. consequence of


a. They haven't finished their homework because it was

too hard.

b. We haven't read the book because the library is closed.

c. Have you attended an institute this year?

d. He has forgotten the word, so he needs his dictionary.

e. The teacher hasn't graded my test because she is sick.

f. I have been stressed this week because I am too busy.

g. I can't get into the house because I have lost my key!

h. Mary is feeling tired because she has had a lot of work


i. We need to finish this project today because the

manager hasn't extended our deadline.

j. We haven't had much rain lately, so the soil is very dry.

Unit 16 Commodities & Manufactured Goods


significant: considerable, major

contribute: comprise, make up

production: output

percentage: ratio, proportion, share

segment: section


The pie charts show 2003 production for two countries over the same range of five agricultural commodities. Riola had a significant percentage of its production in apples, oranges and wool, whereas output/production in Sierra was more balanced, with a special emphasis on wheat and barley. Riola had over two thirds of its production in apples and oranges, at 41 per cent and 30 per cent respectively. Wool contributed/comprised/made up a further 20 per cent. Wheat and barley, however, were relatively insignificant, equalling less than one tenth of total farm exports. In contrast, Sierra had a much more even output of agricultural exports. Apples made up 19 per cent, with orange production at 12 per cent. Wool production/output, at 19 per cent, was almost the same as in Riola. Wheat, on the other hand, comprised/made up/contributed almost one third of the overall production, with barley contributing/making up/comprising 19 per cent.


1. e; 2. b; 3. a; 4. e; 5. d; 6. f; 7. c; 8. g

练习 4.

There are many possible answers. Here is one example for each sentence.

a. Just over one third of Kizani's agricultural production was in wool, at 34%.

b. Austani had just under one tenth of its agricultural production in apples, at 9%.

c. Riola had just under a third of its export metal production in gold, at 30.1 per cent.

d. Sierra had almost the same level of metal production in iron ore and copper, at 43% and 42% respectively.

e. A significant proportion of Austani's metal production was in copper, at 78%.

f. Just under half of Sierra's agricultural production was in barley, at 48%.

g. Kizani had just over two thirds of its agricultural production in wheat, at 67%.

h. Riola had almost the same proportion of its agricultural production in fruit at 15% for oranges, and 15.5% for apples.


a. The pie charts show 2006 production for two countries over the same range of five metal commodities.

b. Austani had a significant percentage of its production in iron ore, copper and uranium, whereas Kizahi had a more balanced output, with approximately equal production of three metals.

c. Austani had over two thirds of its production in iron ore and copper, at 41 per cent and 30 per cent respectively.

d. Uranium contributed a further 20 per cent, whereas gold and silver were relatively insignificant, equalling less than one tenth of the total.

e. In contrast, Kizani had a much more even output of metal commodities.

f. Iron ore, silver and uranium made up 19 per cent each, with copper production on 12 per cent; whereas Austani had 41 per cent in iron ore.

g. Gold, on the other hand, comprised almost one third of the value of overall production, with silver contributing19 per cent.


Leone had the largest percentage of its agricultural production in wool, whereas Ifric had a significant percentage (of Ifric’s agricultural production) in fruit, Ifric’s had with/at 34% of Ifric’s agricultural production in apples, and Ifric had 28% of Ifric’s agricultural production inoranges. It had only a small percentage of Ifric’s agricultural production in wool and grain. In contrast, Leone had most of its agricultural production in wool, and Leone had most of Leone’s agricultural production in Wheat and corn, Leone had at 33%, of Leone agricultural Production in wool, and Leone had 29% of Leone’s Agricultural production in wheat. Leone had and 28% of Leone’s agricultural production in corn respectively. It had the smallest percentage of its agricultural production in wool, at 10%. Leone had 10% of Leone’s agricultural production in wool.(127 words)

Leone had the largest percentage of its agricultural production in wool, whereas Ifric had a significant percentage in fruit, with 34% in apples, and 28% in oranges. It had only a small percentage in wool and grain. In contrast, Leone had most of its agricultural production in wool, wheat and corn, at 33%) 29% and 28% respectively. It had the smallest percentage of its agricultural production in wool, at 10 %. (69 words )

Unit 17 Social Issues: Population


The population of Xanadu has had a considerable growth in the last decade. Xanadu is composed of four main groups, and thus it is ethnically diverse. The biggest group is the Hun, who represents 25 per cent of the population and this group has grown significantly over the past ten years. There are now approximately 35,000 Hun in Xanadu. The second and third biggest groups are the Jakes and the Wallies, who make up 15 and 12 per cent respectively, and whose numbers have stayed relatively stable over the period at about 20,000. The smallest group, the Pixies, has had a massive increase from 5 to 15 per cent of the population. Although their proportion of the population has trebled, the group remains small in terms of numbers.


a. almost, nearly, not quite

b. roughly, approximately, about

c. double, increase twofold

d. treble, increase threefold

e. quadruple, increase fourfold

f. to a large degree, considerably, significantly, massively


a. by, from, to

b. by, from, to

c. from, to

d. by, from, to

e. from, to


a. There was a huge increase in Xanadu's Caucasian population, which increased by over 300 per cent.

b. There was a corresponding fall in the South East Asian population, which decreased from 35 per cent to 18 percent.

c. There was no change to the North African population,which remained stable at 2 per cent.

d. The South East Asian population remained stable over the period, which stayed at around 24, 000 people.

e. The Wally population, which had the biggest decrease, fell by 30% from 25,000 to about 17,000.

f. There was a significant fall in the Pixie population, which decreased threefold.

g. The Wallies, who make up about 45% of the population, immigrated last century.

h. The Polynesian population, which is one of the larger ethnic groups, showed a threefold increase.


There are several possible answers. Here is one correct answer for each sentence.

a. Although the Indian population grew significantly, it had the smallest numbers.

b. The percentage of Caucasians declined, although they had the largest numbers.

c. Even though there was an influx of Wallies from Wallyland in 1995, the percentage of Wallies decreased.

d. The numbers of Pixies remained stable, although there was a percentage decrease.

e. Although the population as a whole grew, the Polynesian population declined.

f. Although it had the smallest percentage increase, the Hun was the largest group.

g. Jakes and Wallies had similar numbers, even though the percentage of Jakes rose more than the percentage of Wallies.

h. Although they had the smallest percentage increase, the Caucasians had the largest numbers.

Unit 18 International Events

Model 3

Hosting the soccer World Cup has become a huge undertaking because of the cost of preparation and the financial risks involved. However, it is a wonderful opportunity for the host country, with worldwide publicity and prestige. This essay will discuss some of the problems, and also the positive aspects of being a host for the World Cup.

There can be no doubt that holding the soccer World Cup involves financial risks. It is possible to lose money because of unplanned increases in overall costs. For example, the original budget for the 2006 tournament was under 430 million, but the cost of three new stadiums meant that the final total exceeded 1.4 billion; that was a shock for the German government. In addition, most countries have a limited budget for building projects. If too much is spent on the world cup,

there may be less for other essential projects.

On the other hand, there are major benefits to be achieved. A World Cup is certainly a wonderful showcase for the host country because of the global interest and TV coverage it generates. It also ensures significant investment in facilities such as stadiums and accommodation. An additional bonus is the possible profit from the sale of TV rights, sponsorship, ticket sales and visitor expenditure. Most countries hosting the World Cup either break even or make a profit.

In conclusion, there are clear opportunities arising from hosting the soccer World Cup. (238 words )


a. Athletes all over the world want to compete in the Olympics because of the chance to win gold medal and become famous.

b. The Japanese authorities spent half their budget on security because of fears of a terrorist attack.

c. A lot of money had to be spent on media facilities and fibre-optic cables because of the remote location of the G8 summit.

d. Millions of people all over the world learn more about the Olympic host country because of the resulting TV coverage.

e. The Olympic host country can make a profit because of the sale of TV rights, sponsorship and tickets.

f. There may be some drawbacks to hosting the Games because of the high cost of buildings and preparations.

g. However, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks, because of the status and publicity the host country gains as a result of the Games.

h. International events represent a huge undertaking for all those involved, because of the huge financial outlay and organisation involved in the preparations for these events.


a. Hosting the G8 summit is an important opportunity for any country. This is now recognised by most of the major political powers.

b. There are _significant benefits to be gained by hosting the World Soccer Competition. These relate to the global interest and TV coverage generated by the games.

c. Half of the budget for the 2008 summit was spent on security. This totalled about ~142 million.

d. The promises made at the previous summit had not yet been kept. These related to increased annual aid for African countries.

e. Holding the G8 summit involves a considerable financial commitment. This is not shared by the other members of the G8 group.

Unit 19 Technology: Communication


NB: gerund forms are also nouns.


installs, installed, installing



concentrates, concentrated,




isolates, isolated, isolating



emits, emitted, emitting



texts, texted, texting



conducts, conducted,




risks, risked, risking



researches, researched,




a. Nowadays, many people buy/are buying cell phones, and the number of cell phones has increased over the past fifteen years. As a result, many cell phone towers have been built in urban areas, and some people think this represents a danger to health. They also believe that cell phones users may run the risk of brain damage or cancer, because of the radiation that cell phones emit. Consequently, many experiments have been conducted in a variety of countries to find out if cell phones pose a danger to health. So far, no evidence has been found for this, but it is possible that such evidence may be found in the future.

b. Nowadays, many people drive/are driving private cars, and the number of cars in cities has risen hugely over the past fifty years. As a result, many new motorways and roads have been constructed in urban areas, and this represents a danger to health because of the gases that are emitted by car exhausts. It is also a big problem because of the congestion that cars cause in inner city areas. Consequently, many new policies have been developed in a variety of countries to try to manage private car use in inner city areas. So far, no perfect solution has been found for this problem, but we hope that this problem will be solved in the future.


a. One major issue with playing computer games is the tendency for people to play for hours and neglect their studies. If they stay up very late, they will have trouble getting up in the morning for school or work. If teenagers waste a lot of time playing on the computer and do no exercise, wasting time playing on the computer and doing no exercise this can lead to health and obesity problems. (72 words - aim to remove 9words )

b. Many people believe that cigarettes cause lung cancer and heart attacks because of the poisons they put into people's bodies while they are smoking. Researchers have conducted experiments over many years to find out if the this belief that cigarettes cause lung cancer and heart attacks is correct, and they have found a lot of evidence for it. That cigarettes cause lung cancer and heart attacks. (65 words - aim to remove 15 words)

c. In the past twenty years, the amount of traffic on the roads has greatly increased, and the increase in the amount of traffic this has led to many problems with traffic jams and pollution in inner city areas. Some countries have limited the use of cars in the inner city by charging fees or restricting the days on which" people can drive into the city. The This approach of charging fees or restricting the days on which people can drive into the city has some disadvantages, but on the whole charging fees or restricting the days on which people can drive into the city it is a good solution to the problems of inner city traffic. (114 words- aim to remove 34 words)

Unit 20 Environment: Tourism

Model 3

In the past thirty years, tourism has grown hugely, and people from all over the world flock to visit beautiful and natural wild places, such as famous lakes, mountains and forests. However, these visitors have created many problems for the preservation and protection of the land and the animals in these places.

Damage to wild and beautiful places is due to two main causes. Firstly, the number of people visiting these remote and fragile places is a big problem, because of the damage they can cause by walking on delicate areas and destroying plant life. In addition, tourists can frighten animals and birds, and this can lead to a decrease in animal life in the area. The second problem is the damage from construction of roads and buildings, which can destroy parts of the landscape and cause

erosion in the area.

It is difficult to solve these problems, but there are some things we can do to limit the damage. Firstly, we can restrict tourist numbers, because this will help to minimise their impact on the environment. Another solution is to make clear guidelines about where people can walk, and which parts of the area are off limits. For example, walkways and bridges can be built and people can be asked to keep to the paths. Animals can be protected by making some areas off limits during the spring, when babies are born.

In conclusion, it is vital to limit tourism in wild and isolated places, because of the risk that uncontrolled tourism will cause real damage to irreplaceable areas. We must protect our planet

for future generations to enjoy. (270 words)


a. Humidity is a major cause of damage to the Sistine Chapel so the paintings need to be protected from moisture.

b. The erosion in the sand dunes is due to/because of/caused by tourism.

c. Tourists cause a lot of damage to both natural places and historic buildings.

d. The damage can be due to/because of/caused by many different factors.

e. Tourists need to be able to access famous and delicate locations. Consequently/As a result, access roads have to be built and these roads can lead to/cause damage to the environment.

f. We need to protect our special places because, if we don't, we will lose them.

g. Too many people crowding into delicate areas can lead to/cause the destruction of the local area.

h. Tourists cause a lot of damage to the Great Wall of China. As a result/Consequently, the Government is limiting tourist numbers.


Here is one possible answer for each sentence.

a. Increased tourist numbers can lead to pressure on facilities such as hotels.

b. Erosion of the land can be due to many tourists walking on delicate areas.

c. Damage to paintings can be caused by people breathing near them.

d. Many tourists visit famous places. Consequently, they can destroy the places they want to see.

e. There is a problem for the ozone layer because of air travel.

f. Because tourists need facilities, this leads to building roads and hotels, which can cause damage to the environment.

g. People climb onto delicate places, and as a result, they destroy them.

h. If we don't preserve special places, we will lose them.


In conclusion, the two main ways to increase food production are by growing grain instead of animals and by improving farm technology. In my opinion, it is much important to increase food production because everyone in the world needs enough to eat.


In summary, while there are some disadvantages to restricting car traffic in the inner city, there are many more advantages because of the reduction in pollution and traffic congestion. Therefore, I support limiting the use of cars in inner city areas.


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