Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.


Likewise, maturity is not a time of life, it is also a state of mind.

Time can grind a lot of things into bubbles, only the great mind can become eternal.

I often think I am somewhat navie in the life, especially involving interactions with others, it is really a serious problem.

Some of my behaviours are just childlish, that may be one of the reasons for my lack of charm.

Endure to the very hard.


Endure to the very hard, and you will be hard enough to shatter all the attacks and smash all the obstacles.

When we are on the path to our dreams, a wall might suddenly appear, and we may feel like we have hit a dead end and we are finished.

But just like being in a labyrinth, no matter how things appear, there is always some way we can take to go out of the labyrinth.

To endure to the very hard, is not to sit there and suffer in silence, but to prepare ourselves as well as we can, then we may have enough power and strength to fire back.


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