
 package main

 import "fmt"

 type Skills  []string

 type person struct {
name string
age int
weight int
} type Student struct {
person //继承
spe string
} func init() { } func main() {
xuxu := Student{person{"xuxu",,}, []string{"anatomy"}, , "boy"} //方式一,全部指定
jane := Student{person:person{"Jane",,}, spe:"Biology"} //方式二,指哪打哪 fmt.Printf("His name is %s\n", jane.name)
fmt.Printf("His name is %s\n", xuxu.name)


 package main

 import "fmt"

 type Skills  []string

 type person struct {
name string
age int
weight int
spe string //inner spe,重载
} type Student struct {
person //继承
spe string //outter spe,重载
} func init() { } func main() {
xuxu := Student{person{"xuxu",,,"inner spe"}, []string{"anatomy"}, , "outter spe"} fmt.Printf("His name is %s\n, inner spe :%, outter spe :%s", xuxu.name, xuxu.person.spe, xuxu.spe)


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