
local co_yield = coroutine.yield
local co_create = coroutine.create
local co_status = coroutine.status
local co_resume = coroutine.resume
local select = select -- Reimplemented coroutine.wrap, returning "nil, err" if the coroutine cannot
-- be resumed. This protects user code from inifite loops when doing things like
-- repeat
-- local chunk, err = res.body_reader()
-- if chunk then -- <-- This could be a string msg in the core wrap function.
-- ...
-- end
-- until not chunk
local co_wrap = function(func)
local co = co_create(func)
if not co then
return nil, "could not create coroutine"
return function(...)
if co_status(co) == "suspended" then
return select(2, co_resume(co, ...))
return nil, "can't resume a " .. co_status(co) .. " coroutine"



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