

说明:将之前 q-learning 实现的例一,用 saras 重新写了一遍。具体问题这里就不多说了。

0. q-learning 与 saras 伪代码的对比


1. q-learning 与 saras 真实代码对比

a). q-learning 算法

# 探索学习13次
for i in range(13):
# 0.从最左边的位置开始(不是必要的)
current_state = 0
# 1.进入循环,开始探索学习
while current_state != states[-1]:
# 2.取当前状态下的合法动作中,随机(或贪婪)地选一个作为 当前动作
if random.uniform(0,1) > epsilon: # 探索
current_action = random.choice(get_valid_actions(current_state))
#current_action = q_table.ix[current_state].idxmax() # 这种写法是有问题的!二维迷宫有机会陷入死锁
s = q_table.ix[current_state].filter(items=get_valid_actions(current_state))
current_action = random.choice(s[s==s.max()].index) # 可能多个最大值,当然,一个更好
next_state = get_next_state(current_state, current_action)
# 4.下个状态的奖励
next_state_reward = rewards[next_state]
# 5.取下一个状态所有的Q value,待取其最大值
next_state_q_values = q_table.ix[next_state, get_valid_actions(next_state)]
# 6.根据贝尔曼方程,更新 Q table 中当前状态-动作对应的 Q value,有max!
q_table.ix[current_state, current_action] += alpha * (rewards[next_state] + gamma * next_state_q_values.max() - q_table.ix[current_state, current_action])
# 7.进入下一个状态(位置)
current_state = next_state

b). saras 算法

# 探索学习13次
for i in range(13):
# 0.从最左边的位置开始(不是必要的)
current_state = 0
# 1.取当前状态下的一个合法动作
if random.uniform(0,1) > epsilon: # 探索
current_action = random.choice(get_valid_actions(current_state))
else: # 利用(贪婪)
s = q_table.ix[current_state].filter(items=get_valid_actions(current_state))
current_action = random.choice(s[s==s.max()].index) # 可能多个最大值,当然,一个更好
# 2.进入循环,开始探索学习
while current_state != states[-1]:
# 3.执行当前动作,得到下一个状态(位置)
next_state = get_next_state(current_state, current_action)
# 4.取下个状态下的一个合法动作
if random.uniform(0,1) > epsilon: # 探索
next_action = random.choice(get_valid_actions(next_state))
else: # 利用(贪婪)
s = q_table.ix[next_state].filter(items=get_valid_actions(next_state))
next_action = random.choice(s[s==s.max()].index) # 可能多个最大值,当然,一个更好
# 5.下个状态的奖励
next_state_reward = rewards[next_state]
# 6.取下个状态,下个动作对应的一个Q value
next_q_value = q_table.ix[next_state, next_action]
# 7.更新 Q table 中当前状态-动作对应的 Q value,无max!
q_table.ix[current_state, current_action] += alpha * (next_state_reward + gamma * next_q_value - q_table.ix[current_state, current_action])
# 8.进入下一状态、下一动作
current_state, current_action = next_state, next_action

2. 完整代码

# T 就是宝藏的位置, o 是探索者的位置
# 作者: hhh5460
# 时间:20181219 import pandas as pd
import random
import time epsilon = 0.9 # 贪婪度 greedy
alpha = 0.1 # 学习率
gamma = 0.8 # 奖励递减值 states = range(6) # 状态集。从0到5
actions = ['left', 'right'] # 动作集。也可添加动作'none',表示停留
rewards = [0,0,0,0,0,1] # 奖励集。只有最后的宝藏所在位置才有奖励1,其他皆为0 q_table = pd.DataFrame(data=[[0 for _ in actions] for _ in states],
index=states, columns=actions) def update_env(state):
env = list('-----T') # 环境 env[state] = 'o' # 更新环境
print('\r{}'.format(''.join(env)), end='')
time.sleep(0.1) def get_next_state(state, action):
global states
# l,r,n = -1,+1,0
if action == 'right' and state != states[-1]: # 除末状态(位置),向右+1
next_state = state + 1
elif action == 'left' and state != states[0]: # 除首状态(位置),向左-1
next_state = state -1
next_state = state
return next_state def get_valid_actions(state):
global actions # ['left', 'right']
valid_actions = set(actions)
if state == states[0]: # 首状态(位置),则 不能向左
valid_actions -= set(['left'])
if state == states[-1]: # 末状态(位置),则 不能向右
valid_actions -= set(['right'])
return list(valid_actions) for i in range(13):
#current_state = random.choice(states)
current_state = 0
if random.uniform(0,1) > epsilon: # 探索
current_action = random.choice(get_valid_actions(current_state))
else: # 利用(贪婪)
#current_action = q_table.ix[current_state].idxmax() # 这种写法是有问题的!
s = q_table.ix[current_state].filter(items=get_valid_actions(current_state))
current_action = random.choice(s[s==s.max()].index) # 可能多个最大值,当然,一个更好 update_env(current_state) # 环境相关
total_steps = 0 # 环境相关 while current_state != states[-1]:
next_state = get_next_state(current_state, current_action) if random.uniform(0,1) > epsilon: # 探索
next_action = random.choice(get_valid_actions(next_state))
else: # 利用(贪婪)
#next_action = q_table.ix[next_state].idxmax() # 这种写法是有问题的!可能会陷入死锁
s = q_table.ix[next_state].filter(items=get_valid_actions(next_state))
next_action = random.choice(s[s==s.max()].index) # 可能多个最大值,当然,一个更好 next_state_reward = rewards[next_state]
next_q_value = q_table.ix[next_state, next_action] q_table.ix[current_state, current_action] += alpha * (next_state_reward + gamma * next_q_value - q_table.ix[current_state, current_action]) current_state, current_action = next_state, next_action update_env(current_state) # 环境相关
total_steps += 1 # 环境相关 print('\rEpisode {}: total_steps = {}'.format(i, total_steps), end='') # 环境相关
time.sleep(2) # 环境相关
print('\r ', end='') # 环境相关 print('\nq_table:')


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