Until recently, when I write ajax call, always write like below:

type: "post",
datatype: "json",
url: "someurl",
success: function (data) {
//some logic

and repeat everywhere...  Until some day: so much redundant code!

Fournately, the "ajaxwrapper" tool can resolve this problem. ^.^

By using  "ajaxwrapper", the code will be changed like this:

a2d.core.ajax.ajaxwrapper("ajaxDefinationId", { userId: 100 }, function(result){
//some logic

I believe you'v found something missed--> we should define "ajaxDefinationId" first, like below:

a2d.core.ajax.ajaxwrapper.setup.add({ id: "ajaxDefinationId", method: "post", url: "testurl.aspx" });//we may extend here, add much more parameters like headers, etags, cache, etc...

Explain- core code:

a2d.core.ajax.ajaxwrapper = function (id, data, callback) {
var defaultConfig = {
id: null,
data: null,
callback: null
var realConfig = $.extend(defaultConfig, { id: id, data: data, callback: callback });
var setupConfig = a2d.core.ajax.ajaxwrapper.setup.find(realConfig.id); var ajaxCall = function () {
url: setupConfig.url,
type: setupConfig.method,
async: true,
cache: false,
data: realConfig.data,
dataType: "json",
success: realConfig.callback,
error: a2d.core.exception.service.takeoverFunction(function () { throw new kxtx.core.exception("ajax error"); })
} return {
call: ajaxCall

Code is simple. First, it search ajax's global defination & current definatio, and then invoke jquery's ajax method.

Let's look error handler: a2d.core.exception.service.takeoverFunction, this function can add a wrapper on a function. When an error throw in function, takeoverFunction will catch it, and process it. See below:

a2d.core.exception.service.takeoverFunction = function (fn) {
var newHandler = function () {
try {
fn.call(fn, arguments[0],
catch (ex) {
if (ex instanceof a2d.core.exception) {
a2d.core.events.service.publish("a2d.core.exception:occurred", ex);
else {
}; return newHandler;

Code is still simple. Core code is "try/catch"-->a2d.core.events.service.publish("a2d.core.exception:occurred", ex);

AhHa, finally, we found the error was published by a2d framework. Depend on this mechanism, the concrete impl be decopouled by pub/sub pattern, we can subscribe this event flexible.

The tool has been integrated into A2DFramework.


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