







1) 编写M函数,并首先在Matlab中测试是正确可以调用的。注意命名规范,注释规范;

2) 使用命令打开 deploytool工具,设置项目名称,选择类型:.NET Assembly,然后新建一个类,并添加编写好的M函数

3) 编译,生成dll,并在C#项目中添加引用(还需要引用对应版本的MWArray),利用对象浏览器查看生成dll的方法结构,并根据Matlab和C#的类型转换规则,进行数据转换即可, 如果是接口的编程,这个过程相对要简单。


2.1 第一步:编写M函数,并测试可以使用


 function PlotTest(n)


2.2 第二步:在Matlab中使用deploytool建立混编项目

在Matlab工作区输入命令:deploytool,然后得到下面界面,输入混编项目的名称,选择存储位置,关键的是类型那里一定要选择".NET Assembly"。如下图所示:


到此为止,一个常规 简单的Matlab.NET混编已经完成了60%了。编译完成之后,打开“Package”选项卡,即可看到生成的dll文件,然后点击右键,打开文件夹即可,如下图所示:

2.3 查看混编生成的代码

  这个过程很关键,其实包含很多信息,只不过95%以上的人都没有注意到其实混编生成的dll是有源文件的,通过查看源文件就应该知道混编的原理,只不过这是matlab自动生成 而已。那看看生成的源码吧。




* MATLAB Compiler: 4.17 (R2012a)
* Date: Mon Sep 09 16:19:01 2013
* Arguments: "-B" "macro_default" "-W" "dotnet:PlotTest,TestDemo,0.0,private" "-T"
* "link:lib" "-d" "D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest\src" "-w"
* "enable:specified_file_mismatch" "-w" "enable:repeated_file" "-w"
* "enable:switch_ignored" "-w" "enable:missing_lib_sentinel" "-w" "enable:demo_license"
* "-v" "class{TestDemo:D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest.m}"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility; #if SHARED
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFile(@"")]
#endif namespace PlotTest
{ /// <summary>
/// The TestDemo class provides a CLS compliant, MWArray interface to the M-functions
/// contained in the files:
/// <newpara></newpara>
/// D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest.m
/// <newpara></newpara>
/// deployprint.m
/// <newpara></newpara>
/// printdlg.m
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// @Version 0.0
/// </remarks>
public class TestDemo : IDisposable
#region Constructors /// <summary internal= "true">
/// The static constructor instantiates and initializes the MATLAB Compiler Runtime
/// instance.
/// </summary>
static TestDemo()
if (MWMCR.MCRAppInitialized)
Assembly assembly= Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string ctfFilePath= assembly.Location; int lastDelimiter= ctfFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\"); ctfFilePath= ctfFilePath.Remove(lastDelimiter, (ctfFilePath.Length - lastDelimiter)); string ctfFileName = "PlotTest.ctf"; Stream embeddedCtfStream = null; String[] resourceStrings = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); foreach (String name in resourceStrings)
if (name.Contains(ctfFileName))
embeddedCtfStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
mcr= new MWMCR("",
ctfFilePath, embeddedCtfStream, true);
throw new ApplicationException("MWArray assembly could not be initialized");
} /// <summary>
/// Constructs a new instance of the TestDemo class.
/// </summary>
public TestDemo()
} #endregion Constructors #region Finalize /// <summary internal= "true">
/// Class destructor called by the CLR garbage collector.
/// </summary>
} /// <summary>
/// Frees the native resources associated with this object
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
} /// <summary internal= "true">
/// Internal dispose function
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
disposed= true; if (disposing)
// Free managed resources;
} // Free native resources
} #endregion Finalize #region Methods /// <summary>
/// Provides a void output, 0-input MWArrayinterface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
public void PlotTest()
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "PlotTest", new MWArray[]{});
} /// <summary>
/// Provides a void output, 1-input MWArrayinterface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="n">Input argument #1</param>
public void PlotTest(MWArray n)
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "PlotTest", n);
} /// <summary>
/// Provides the standard 0-input MWArray interface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="numArgsOut">The number of output arguments to return.</param>
/// <returns>An Array of length "numArgsOut" containing the output
/// arguments.</returns>
public MWArray[] PlotTest(int numArgsOut)
return mcr.EvaluateFunction(numArgsOut, "PlotTest", new MWArray[]{});
} /// <summary>
/// Provides the standard 1-input MWArray interface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="numArgsOut">The number of output arguments to return.</param>
/// <param name="n">Input argument #1</param>
/// <returns>An Array of length "numArgsOut" containing the output
/// arguments.</returns>
public MWArray[] PlotTest(int numArgsOut, MWArray n)
return mcr.EvaluateFunction(numArgsOut, "PlotTest", n);
} /// <summary>
/// This method will cause a MATLAB figure window to behave as a modal dialog box.
/// The method will not return until all the figure windows associated with this
/// component have been closed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// An application should only call this method when required to keep the
/// MATLAB figure window from disappearing. Other techniques, such as calling
/// Console.ReadLine() from the application should be considered where
/// possible.</remarks>
public void WaitForFiguresToDie()
} #endregion Methods #region Class Members private static MWMCR mcr= null; private bool disposed= false; #endregion Class Members


* MATLAB Compiler: 4.17 (R2012a)
* Date: Mon Sep 09 16:19:01 2013
* Arguments: "-B" "macro_default" "-W" "dotnet:PlotTest,TestDemo,0.0,private" "-T"
* "link:lib" "-d" "D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest\src" "-w"
* "enable:specified_file_mismatch" "-w" "enable:repeated_file" "-w"
* "enable:switch_ignored" "-w" "enable:missing_lib_sentinel" "-w" "enable:demo_license"
* "-v" "class{TestDemo:D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest.m}"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility; #if SHARED
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFile(@"")]
#endif namespace PlotTestNative
{ /// <summary>
/// The TestDemo class provides a CLS compliant, Object (native) interface to the
/// M-functions contained in the files:
/// <newpara></newpara>
/// D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest.m
/// <newpara></newpara>
/// deployprint.m
/// <newpara></newpara>
/// printdlg.m
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// @Version 0.0
/// </remarks>
public class TestDemo : IDisposable
#region Constructors /// <summary internal= "true">
/// The static constructor instantiates and initializes the MATLAB Compiler Runtime
/// instance.
/// </summary>
static TestDemo()
if (MWMCR.MCRAppInitialized)
Assembly assembly= Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string ctfFilePath= assembly.Location; int lastDelimiter= ctfFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\"); ctfFilePath= ctfFilePath.Remove(lastDelimiter, (ctfFilePath.Length - lastDelimiter)); string ctfFileName = "PlotTest.ctf"; Stream embeddedCtfStream = null; String[] resourceStrings = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); foreach (String name in resourceStrings)
if (name.Contains(ctfFileName))
embeddedCtfStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
mcr= new MWMCR("",
ctfFilePath, embeddedCtfStream, true);
throw new ApplicationException("MWArray assembly could not be initialized");
} /// <summary>
/// Constructs a new instance of the TestDemo class.
/// </summary>
public TestDemo()
} #endregion Constructors #region Finalize /// <summary internal= "true">
/// Class destructor called by the CLR garbage collector.
/// </summary>
} /// <summary>
/// Frees the native resources associated with this object
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
} /// <summary internal= "true">
/// Internal dispose function
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
disposed= true; if (disposing)
// Free managed resources;
} // Free native resources
} #endregion Finalize #region Methods /// <summary>
/// Provides a void output, 0-input Objectinterface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
public void PlotTest()
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "PlotTest", new Object[]{});
} /// <summary>
/// Provides a void output, 1-input Objectinterface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="n">Input argument #1</param>
public void PlotTest(Object n)
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "PlotTest", n);
} /// <summary>
/// Provides the standard 0-input Object interface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="numArgsOut">The number of output arguments to return.</param>
/// <returns>An Array of length "numArgsOut" containing the output
/// arguments.</returns>
public Object[] PlotTest(int numArgsOut)
return mcr.EvaluateFunction(numArgsOut, "PlotTest", new Object[]{});
} /// <summary>
/// Provides the standard 1-input Object interface to the PlotTest M-function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="numArgsOut">The number of output arguments to return.</param>
/// <param name="n">Input argument #1</param>
/// <returns>An Array of length "numArgsOut" containing the output
/// arguments.</returns>
public Object[] PlotTest(int numArgsOut, Object n)
return mcr.EvaluateFunction(numArgsOut, "PlotTest", n);
} /// <summary>
/// Provides an interface for the PlotTest function in which the input and output
/// arguments are specified as an array of Objects.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method will allocate and return by reference the output argument
/// array.<newpara></newpara>
/// M-Documentation:
/// 编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="numArgsOut">The number of output arguments to return</param>
/// <param name= "argsOut">Array of Object output arguments</param>
/// <param name= "argsIn">Array of Object input arguments</param>
/// <param name= "varArgsIn">Array of Object representing variable input
/// arguments</param>
[MATLABSignature("PlotTest", , , )]
protected void PlotTest(int numArgsOut, ref Object[] argsOut, Object[] argsIn, params Object[] varArgsIn)
mcr.EvaluateFunctionForTypeSafeCall("PlotTest", numArgsOut, ref argsOut, argsIn, varArgsIn);
} /// <summary>
/// This method will cause a MATLAB figure window to behave as a modal dialog box.
/// The method will not return until all the figure windows associated with this
/// component have been closed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// An application should only call this method when required to keep the
/// MATLAB figure window from disappearing. Other techniques, such as calling
/// Console.ReadLine() from the application should be considered where
/// possible.</remarks>
public void WaitForFiguresToDie()
} #endregion Methods #region Class Members private static MWMCR mcr= null; private bool disposed= false; #endregion Class Members


2.4 上述Matlab自动生成代码的要点



* MATLAB Compiler: 4.17 (R2012a)
* Date: Mon Sep 09 16:19:01 2013
* Arguments: "-B" "macro_default" "-W" "dotnet:PlotTest,TestDemo,0.0,private" "-T"
* "link:lib" "-d" "D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest\src" "-w"
* "enable:specified_file_mismatch" "-w" "enable:repeated_file" "-w"
* "enable:switch_ignored" "-w" "enable:missing_lib_sentinel" "-w" "enable:demo_license"
* "-v" "class{TestDemo:D:\Work\DevelopMent_SVN\Matlab\MatlabBlog\PlotTest.m}"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility;



 static TestDemo()
if (MWMCR.MCRAppInitialized)
Assembly assembly= Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string ctfFilePath= assembly.Location;
int lastDelimiter= ctfFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\");
ctfFilePath= ctfFilePath.Remove(lastDelimiter, (ctfFilePath.Length - lastDelimiter));
string ctfFileName = "PlotTest.ctf";
Stream embeddedCtfStream = null;
String[] resourceStrings = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach (String name in resourceStrings)
if (name.Contains(ctfFileName))
embeddedCtfStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
mcr= new MWMCR("",ctfFilePath, embeddedCtfStream, true);
throw new ApplicationException("MWArray assembly could not be initialized");



  2) 上面的ctf其实是包含在dll程序集里面的,以资源的形式,这个文件是核心,它才真正的包括了Matlab编译之后的,MCR可以运行的中间程序。

  3) 必须要合法正确的ctf文件和dll文件才能 正确的初始化mcr对象,合法的意思,是Matlab内部有校验机制,包括对相关版本,在以前的版本生成文件中,很明显,现在2012a里面都隐藏起来了,不过要求都一样。

  4) 上面方法其实已经间接的告诉了我们怎么初始化mcr对象,有了mcr对象,一切都好办了,因为它才是MCR的核心。


     public void PlotTest()
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "PlotTest", new MWArray[]{});
public void PlotTest(MWArray n)
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "PlotTest", n);
public MWArray[] PlotTest(int numArgsOut)
return mcr.EvaluateFunction(numArgsOut, "PlotTest", new MWArray[]{});
public MWArray[] PlotTest(int numArgsOut, MWArray n)
return mcr.EvaluateFunction(numArgsOut, "PlotTest", n);




 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO; using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays; namespace BuildInFunctionDemo
class Program
static MWMCR mcr;
static void Main(string[] args)
#region 首先使用PlotTest.dll来初始化mcr,因为这个dll是混编“合法”产生的,只有这样才能顺利启动mcr
if (MWMCR.MCRAppInitialized)
string path = Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, "PlotTest.dll");
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(path);
string ctfFilePath = assembly.Location;
int lastDelimiter = ctfFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\");
ctfFilePath = ctfFilePath.Remove(lastDelimiter, (ctfFilePath.Length - lastDelimiter));
string ctfFileName = "PlotTest.ctf";
Stream embeddedCtfStream = null;
String[] resourceStrings = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); foreach (String name in resourceStrings)
if (name.Contains(ctfFileName))
embeddedCtfStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
mcr = new MWMCR("",ctfFilePath, embeddedCtfStream, true);
throw new ApplicationException("MWArray assembly could not be initialized");
#endregion #region 直接调用混编dll中的封装函数进行测试
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "PlotTest", ); //注意这里要断点调试才能看到效果哦,因为mcr会把图绘制在一个Figure上面,
MWNumericArray x = new double[]{,,,,};
MWNumericArray y = new double[]{,,2.8,5.3,4.7};
mcr.EvaluateFunction(, "plot",x,y );
#endregion Console.ReadKey();






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