二次联通门 : BZOJ 2746: [HEOI2012]旅行问题

神TM STL的vector push_back进一个数后取出时就变成了一个很小的负数。。

调不出来了, 不调了

#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <queue> #define Max 100 #define Mod 1000000007LL void read (int &now)
now = ;
register char word = getchar ();
while (word < '' || word > '')
word = getchar ();
while (word >= '' && word <= '')
now = now * + word - '';
word = getchar ();
} int N, M; struct T_D
{ T_D *child[]; T_D *Fail;
int number; long long value; T_D ()
for (int i = ; i < ; i ++)
this->child[i] = NULL; Fail = NULL;
value = ;
number = ;
}; inline int swap (int &x, int &y)
int now = x;
x = y;
y = now; } std :: vector <int> List[Max << ]; T_D *map[Max]; class Tree_Chain_Get_Type
{ private : int size[Max];
int deep[Max]; int father[Max]; int __to[Max];
int __next[Max]; int Edge_Count;
int edge_list[Max]; int top[Max];
int Count; public : inline void Add_Edge (int from, int to)
Edge_Count ++; __to[Edge_Count] = to;
__next[Edge_Count] = edge_list[from];
edge_list[from] = Edge_Count; Edge_Count ++;
__to[Edge_Count] = from;
__next[Edge_Count] = edge_list[to];
edge_list[to] = Edge_Count; } void Dfs_1 (int now, int __father)
{ int pos = Count ++; deep[now] = deep[__father] + ;
father[now] = __father; for (int i = edge_list[now]; i; i = __next[i])
if (__to[i] != __father)
Dfs_1 (__to[i], now); size[now] = Count - pos;
} void Dfs_2 (int now, int chain)
int pos = ;
top[now] = chain; for (int i = edge_list[now]; i; i = __next[i])
if (__to[i] != father[now] && size[pos] < size[__to[i]])
pos = __to[i]; if (!pos)
return ;
Dfs_2 (pos, chain);
for (int i = edge_list[now]; i; i = __next[i])
if (__to[i] != father[now] && __to[i] != pos)
Dfs_2 (__to[i], __to[i]);
} int Get_Lca (int x, int y)
for (; top[x] != top[y]; x = father[top[x]])
if (deep[top[x]] < deep[top[y]])
swap (x, y); return deep[x] < deep[y] ? x : y;
} inline void Prepare ()
Count = ;
Dfs_1 (, );
Count = ;
Dfs_2 (, );
Count = ;
}; Tree_Chain_Get_Type Make; class AC_Type
{ private : T_D *Root;
int Count; public : AC_Type ()
Root = new T_D;
Count = ;
Root->number = ++ Count;
map[Root->number] = Root;
} void Insert (char *key)
T_D *now = Root, *pos; int Len = strlen (key); int Id;
for (int i = ; i < Len; i ++)
Id = key[i] - 'a';
if (now->child[Id] == NULL)
now->child[Id] = new T_D;
now->child[Id]->number = ++ Count;
map[Count] = now->child[Id];
now->child[Id]->value = (now->value * 26LL + Id) % Mod;
List[i].push_back (now->child[Id]->number);
now = now->child[Id];
} void Build_AC ()
std :: queue <T_D *> Queue; Queue.push (Root);
T_D *now, *pos;
while (!Queue.empty ())
now = Queue.front ();
Queue.pop (); pos = NULL; for (int i = ; i < ; i ++)
if (now->child[i] == NULL)
if (now == Root)
now->child[i]->Fail = Root;
for (pos = now->Fail; pos; pos = pos->Fail)
if (pos->child[i])
now->child[i]->Fail = pos->child[i];
if (pos == NULL)
now->child[i]->Fail = Root;
Queue.push (now->child[i]);
Make.Add_Edge (now->child[i]->number, now->child[i]->Fail->number);
} }; AC_Type AC; char line[Max]; int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int x, y; read (N); for (int i = ; i <= N; i ++)
scanf ("%s", line);
AC.Insert (line);
} AC.Build_AC (); Make.Prepare ();
int x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2; for (read (M); M --; )
read (x_1);
read (y_1);
read (x_2);
read (y_2); int now = Make.Get_Lca (List[x_1][y_1 - ], List[x_2][y_2 - ]);
printf ("%lld\n", map[now]->value);
} return ;


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