
You may register aspect classes as regular beans in your Spring XML configuration, or autodetect them through classpath scanning - just like any other Spring-managed bean. However, note that the @Aspect annotation is not sufficient for autodetection in the classpath: For that purpose, you need to add a separate @Component annotation (or alternatively a custom stereotype annotation that qualifies, as per the rules of Spring’s component scanner).

您可以在Spring XML配置中注册aspect类,或者通过类路径扫描自动检测它们,就像任何其他Spring管理bean一样。但是,请注意,@aspect注释对于在类路径中自动检测是不够的:为了达到这个目的,您需要添加一个单独的@component注解(或者根据Spring的组件扫描器的规则来定义一个定制的原型注解)。
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