

cd /opt/download/fastdfs-master/conf
cp http.conf /etc/fdfs/http.conf
cp mime.types /etc/fdfs/mime.types
cp anti-steal.jpg /etc/fdfs/anti-steal.jpg


cd /etc/fdfs
vi http.conf
# HTTP default content type
http.default_content_type = application/octet-stream # MIME types mapping filename
# MIME types file format: MIME_type extensions
# such as: image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe
# you can use apache's MIME file: mime.types
http.mime_types_filename = mime.types # if use token to anti-steal
# default value is false ()
# http.anti_steal.check_token = false
http.anti_steal.check_token = true # token TTL (time to live), seconds
# default value is
http.anti_steal.token_ttl = # secret key to generate anti-steal token
# this parameter must be set when http.anti_steal.check_token set to true
# the length of the secret key should not exceed bytes
http.anti_steal.secret_key = FastDFS1234567890 # return the content of the file when check token fail
# default value is empty (no file sepecified)
# http.anti_steal.token_check_fail = /home/yuqing/fastdfs/conf/anti-steal.jpg http.anti_steal.token_check_fail = /etc/fdfs/anti-steal.jps # if support multi regions for HTTP Range
# default value is true
http.multi_range.enabed = true


/usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf start
service fdfs_storaged restart



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