n response, foundries have broken out on-die variation as a separate component in their SPICE models. They created global corners for slow, typical and fast. These global corners, called SSG (slow global), TTG (typical global) and FFG (fast global), only include between wafer variance. On-die variance is separated out as a set of local parameters as part of the SPICE model that work with Monte-Carlo (MC) SPICE around the global corners. Analog designers routinely use these global corners and local parameters to validate cells. These same global corners and local variance parameters can be used to create derates or adjustment factors for static timing and physical optimization of digital designs (and the digital parts of mixed-signal designs).


  1. 【原】SDWebImage源码阅读(三)
  2. 萌新笔记——C++里创建 Trie字典树(中文词典)(二)(插入、查找、导入、导出)
  3. ubuntu15:10 163源
  4. 关于Html编码问题,例如字符:·
  5. 快速切换IP的批处理!
  6. System.Web.Caching.Cache类 缓存
  7. Python 字符串、元组、字典转换成列表
  8. jq实现地址级联效果
  9. Static的使用
  10. hadoop基本命令1
  11. Win7下Qt5.2中使用OpenGL的glu函数库无法使用的解决方案
  12. Mybatis的学习总结(一)——使用配置文件实现增删改查
  13. Sublime 学习记录(四) Alignment 插件
  14. Cross platform GUI for creating SSL certs with OpenSSL
  15. python3 selenium 切换窗口的几种方法
  16. vim配置文件和插件管理
  17. mysql与PHP建立连接实现增删查改
  18. webpack快速入门——插件配置:HTML文件的发布
  19. IOS之UITabBarController
  20. Mercurial的使用心得


  1. Codeforces 1304F2 Animal Observation (hard version) 代码(dp滑动窗口线段树区间更新优化)
  2. [转]三分钟学会.NET Core Jwt 策略授权认证
  3. SmtpStatusCode Enum
  4. java - GC垃圾收集器详解(一)
  5. 栈和队列----将单链表的每K个节点之间逆序
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