
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace _2._1工厂模式
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IPeopleFactory a = new ChinePeople();
Console.Write("中国人人穿了" + a.ShowShoes("红色") + "," + a.ShowClothes("红色"));
IPeopleFactory b = new USAPeople();
Console.Write("美国人穿了" + b.ShowShoes("白色") + "," + b.ShowClothes("白色"));
public interface IPeopleFactory
string ShowShoes(string type);
string ShowClothes(string type);
public class ChinePeople : IPeopleFactory
public string ShowShoes(string type)
return type + "上衣";
public string ShowClothes(string type)
return type + "裤子";
public class USAPeople : IPeopleFactory
public string ShowShoes(string type)
return type + "上衣";
public string ShowClothes(string type)
return type + "裤子";






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