
struct PollerBase: private noncopyable {
int64_t id_;
int lastActive_;
PollerBase(): lastActive_(-) {
static std::atomic<int64_t> id();
id_ = ++id;
} virtual void addChannel(Channel* ch) = ;
virtual void removeChannel(Channel* ch) = ;
virtual void updateChannel(Channel* ch) = ;
virtual ~PollerBase() {};
}; struct PollerEpoll : public PollerBase {
int fd_;
std::set<Channel*> liveChannels_;
struct epoll_event activeEvs_[kMaxEvents]; PollerEpoll();
void addChannel(Channel* ch) override;
void removeChannel(Channel* ch) override;
void updateChannel(Channel* ch) override;
void loop_once(int waitMs) override;


PollerBase* createPoller() {
return new PollerEpoll();
} PollerEpoll::PollerEpoll() {
fd_ = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC); //创建一个epoll文件描述符
} PollerEpoll::~PollerEpoll() {
while (liveChannels_.size()) {
(*liveChannels_.begin())->close(); //从poller中移除该通道,关闭通道上的文件描述符并处理该通道上的读事件。
::close(fd_); //关闭epoll文件描述符
} void PollerEpoll::addChannel(Channel* ch) {
struct epoll_event ev;
memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
ev.events = ch->events();
ev.data.ptr = ch;
int r = epoll_ctl(fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ch->fd(), &ev); //将通道内的文件描述符和其关心的事件添加到epoll监听中。
} void PollerEpoll::updateChannel(Channel* ch) {
struct epoll_event ev;
memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
ev.events = ch->events();
ev.data.ptr = ch;
int r = epoll_ctl(fd_, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, ch->fd(), &ev);
} void PollerEpoll::removeChannel(Channel* ch) {
for (int i = lastActive_; i >= 0; i--) {
if (ch == activeEvs_[i].data.ptr) {
activeEvs_[i].data.ptr = NULL;
} //核心函数
void PollerEpoll::loop_once(int waitMs) {
lastActive_ = epoll_wait(fd_, activeEvs_, kMaxEvents, waitMs);
while (--lastActive_ >= 0) {
int i = lastActive_;
Channel* ch = (Channel*)activeEvs_[i].data.ptr;
int events = activeEvs_[i].events;
if (ch) {
if (events & kWriteEvent) {
if (events & (kReadEvent | POLLERR)) {
if (!(events & (kReadEvent | kWriteEvent | POLLERR))) {
fatal("unexpected poller events");


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